submitted 1 day ago by cammelspit@lemm.ee to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

Hey, so I am losing my mind here. I can NOT get rid of this severe popping and crackling I get on all audio on all sources and all outputs. I am running pipewire as the audio system but I just cant get it to stop. I have already altered my pipewire.conf as seems to be the only thing the internet at large will ever recommend, it has ZERO effect. as an example...

    default.clock.quantum       = 4096
    default.clock.min-quantum   = 4096
    default.clock.max-quantum   = 8192

I have used values starting at 16 and doubled it every time and tested it up to some pretty massive values, 8192 so far and nothing. Below is the output of pw-top just so you know I am not joking as to the values I have tried.

   ID  QUANT   RATE    WAIT    BUSY   W/Q   B/Q  ERR FORMAT           NAME
R   56   4096  48000  55.0us  11.1us  0.00  0.00    0    S16LE 2 48000 alsa_output.pci
R   61   3600  48000  22.9us  19.5us  0.00  0.00    0    F32LE 2 48000  + Firefox

Ive tried dozens of different value, I've tried different rates, nothing. I have already posted on Reddit, that didn't help because as soon as I tried the values and that didn't work, no one ever responded again.

For completeness, I am running in a VM but it's a unique situation. I am running an Arch guest on a Slackware host. I have a dedicated GPU passed through properly and it does indeed have multi-function enabled. I am running an AMD 7950X with half the cores dedicated to the gaming VM and the other half left for the host as it pulls double duty as a storage, container, and virtualization host. I have 64GB of DDR5 and it is running at 6000 with even matching the XMP profile. The system is under very little load during testing but it makes zero difference what the load is anyway.

As a sanity check I spun up a Windows VM with identical settings except for the TPM stuff and it ran fine. I used to run pop_OS for a short time and I don't recall this ever being an issue there but it's been a while. However, if it were doing it there, I would have noticed.

I predominantly use this setup in my living room as a gaming centric VM that also pulls double duty as a Media center type thing so the audio issues are a deal breaker. I do this since this just happens to be where my server and the desk shelf are located, in the living room, so it makes sense to use this kind of setup. 9x out of 10 I am using the HDMI output of the nVidia 3070 TI but I do use a USB DAC and I have tested it. I also have tested Bluetooth output which seems ALMOST unaffected but laggy by almost a second or more so essentially unusable so I stick with the USB DAC instead if I need to use headphones. I could have sworn I head the pops just quietly when Bluetooth audio was playing but I could have been imagining it.

Please help, I am at my wits end, google, Arch wiki, driver updates, downgrades, betas, different kernels, I have tried everything I can possibly think of and nothing works.

Any help you guys can provide would be purely awesome. I have been using Arch now for maybe 5-6 months now and I am getting used to it and starting to really love what it is but this audio issues has been a thorn in my side the whole time and I am about ready to start distro hopping to try and find something that doesn't have this issue. Please, help!


submitted 1 week ago by Binette@lemmy.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

In order to update hyprland-git, I need to install hyprwayland-scanner-git. But when I try to install it, pacman says that it failed to commit a transaction.

I followed the arch wiki, but unfortunately, the file in question is owned by hyprwayland-scanner, so I'm not sure how to proceed.

submitted 2 weeks ago by rorschah@lemdro.id to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

Nvidia users will finally be able to use the superior display server


Basically the title.

Also, in case somebody could answer the question: is it possible to enable the Cube effect in a Virtualbox machine? I already have kdeplasma-addons, qt6-quick3d and qt6-quick3dphysics installed but I have no Cube effect option in window effects.


Working inside a VirtualBox virtual machine. Installed Arch Linux using the Archinstall method. Chose KDE as the DE and SDDM as the greeting screen.

Managed to log in once, but after adding a language and rebooting, I didn't seem to be able to change the keyboard layout, making entering the correct password impossible. I have tried looking up how to switch the keyboard layout, but am coming up with nothing. What is the key combination to change the keyboard layout in SDDM?

Setting up a different virtual machine now.


I have already created a post for this on the Arch Linux Forum two days, but I didn't recieve any reply there, so I'm trying it here.

I have multiple KVM virtual machines thatI use on a semi regular basis. After reinstalling dnsmasq, because it wasn't installed for some reason, I get the error message that network default is not active every time I try to boot one of them.

Running virsh net-start default doesn't solve the problem though, as it outputs error: Failed to start network default error: internal error: Child process (VIR_BRIDGE_NAME=virbr0 /usr/bin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf --leasefile-ro --dhcp-script=/usr/lib/libvirt/libvirt_leaseshelper) unexpected exit status 2: dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for Address already in use

I don't know how to proceed from here and I couldn't really find anyone that ran into the same problem.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

submitted 1 month ago by rorschah@lemdro.id to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml


  • Introduce handheld hardware detection
  • Introduce T2 MacBook support
  • Add network driver detection
  • Added MacBook T2 support
  • BTRFS is now the default selected file system
  • Use ufw instead of firewalld
  • NVIDIA: Enable required services and options for working sleep on Wayland
submitted 1 month ago by Cyber@feddit.uk to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

Before I dive headlong into debugging and throwing bug tickets around, I just needed a sanity check from someone else..

I have an old Lenovo laptop as my daily driver / experimentation box (ie it gets a lot of paclages installed and removed)

Recently I've been using Vivaldi's built-in calendar to use as a CalDAV client for my radicale installation.

It's the only open tab and Vivaldi's using ~20% CPU (according to htop)... actually, I just closed that tab... even with 1 blank tab the CPU's the same.

Is this just my battle weary laptop needing a good clean, or can someone else confirm?


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by promitheas@programming.dev to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

Solution at the end of the post

Hello guys. I've recently started experiencing an odd issue with my bspwm setup where on a reboot or upon restarting bspwm in-place I either don't get the top polybar (fixed this by explicitly killing all polybar processes from my bspwm script if they exist and then on a separate line running my launch script), or the gap between the bottom of the windows on my top (secondary) monitor and the bottom edge of the monitor is far too wide. Here is a screenshot of what I mean:

Out of the 20 times give or take that I will restart bspwm either from the terminal or through the sxhkd keybind I set, only once will it actually size itself correctly with the proper gap. The next time I restart it will revert back to this large gap. Here is also my bspwmrc file

#! /bin/sh
# pgrep -x sxhkd > /dev/null || sxhkd -s &
# pgrep -io "sxhkd" || { killall sxhkd; sxhkd > /dev/null 2>&1 & }
pgrep -io "sxhkd" | xargs kill
sxhkd -s &
pgrep -x copyq > /dev/null || copyq &
pgrep -x xfce4-power-manager > /dev/null || xfce4-power-manager &
pgrep -x dunst > /dev/null || dunst &
pgrep -x nm-applet > /dev/null || nm-applet &
pgrep -x picom > /dev/null || picom -b
pgrep -x polybar > /dev/null || $HOME/.config/polybar/launch.sh
if [[ $(xrandr -q | grep "HDMI-A-1 connected") ]];
	xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal
	xrandr --output HDMI-A-1 --mode 1920x1080 --rotate inverted --above HDMI-A-0
	bspc monitor HDMI-A-0 -d 1 2 3 4 5
	bspc monitor HDMI-A-1 -d 6 7 8 9 0
	# Fix gap appearing above windows on first monitor after restarting bspwm
	bspc config -m HDMI-A-0 top_padding 3
	bspc config -m HDMI-A-0 bottom_padding 40
	# Fix top/bottom margins for secondary monitor
	bspc config -m HDMI-A-1 bottom_padding 3
	bspc config -m HDMI-A-1 top_padding 40
	bspc wm -O HDMI-A-0 HDMI-A-1
	# bspc monitor -d I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
	bspc monitor HDMI-A-0 -d 1 2 3 4
$HOME/.fehbg &
setxkbmap us
bspc config border_width         2
bspc config window_gap           10
# bspc config 
bspc config split_ratio          0.52
bspc config borderless_monocle   true
bspc config gapless_monocle      true
# Dracula theme
bspc config normal_border_color "#44475a"
bspc config active_border_color "#6272a4"
bspc config focused_border_color "#8be9fd"
bspc config presel_feedback_color "#6272a4"
# Make sure theme cursor is shown when mouse is not over a window, instead of the standard default one
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
bspc rule -a Gimp desktop='^8' state=floating follow=on
bspc rule -a Chromium desktop='^2'
bspc rule -a mplayer2 state=floating
bspc rule -a Kupfer.py focus=on
bspc rule -a Screenkey manage=off
bspc rule -a Zathura state=tiled
bspc rule -a Passy state=tiled

bspc rule -a scpad sticky=on state=floating rectangle=1896x400+10+50

betterlockscreen -u $HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/ --fx dim --dim 50

The lines where I set bottom_padding for the secondary monitor and top padding for the primary monitor I just commented out but they did not have any effect.

I would really appreciate any help for this. Thanks in advance!

Solution for polybar not launching both bars is to change the single polybar line that checks for any existing instances and runs the launch script if none are found, to 2 lines that will explicitly kill all polybar processes and then run the launch script. I also moved this a bit further down in the file.

pgrep -x polybar > /dev/null | xargs kill

The solution for the gap on the bottom of the second monitor was to move the if check further down in the file, hopefully giving bspwm enough time to set its defaults and then have my values set. It now looks like this:

#! /bin/sh

# pgrep -x sxhkd > /dev/null || sxhkd -s &
# pgrep -io "sxhkd" || { killall sxhkd; sxhkd > /dev/null 2>&1 & }
pgrep -io "sxhkd" | xargs kill
sxhkd -s &

pgrep -x copyq > /dev/null || copyq &
pgrep -x xfce4-power-manager > /dev/null || xfce4-power-manager &
pgrep -x dunst > /dev/null || dunst &
pgrep -x nm-applet > /dev/null || nm-applet &

pgrep -x picom > /dev/null | xargs kill
picom -b

pgrep -x polybar > /dev/null | xargs kill

$HOME/.fehbg &

setxkbmap us

bspc config border_width         2
bspc config window_gap           10
# bspc config 

bspc config split_ratio          0.52
bspc config borderless_monocle   true
bspc config gapless_monocle      true

# Dracula theme
bspc config normal_border_color "#44475a"
bspc config active_border_color "#6272a4"
bspc config focused_border_color "#8be9fd"
bspc config presel_feedback_color "#6272a4"

if [[ $(xrandr -q | grep "HDMI-A-1 connected") ]];
	xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal
	xrandr --output HDMI-A-1 --mode 1920x1080 --rotate inverted --above HDMI-A-0
	bspc monitor HDMI-A-0 -d 1 2 3 4 5
	bspc monitor HDMI-A-1 -d 6 7 8 9 0
	# pgrep -x polybar > /dev/null || $HOME/.config/polybar/launch.sh

	# Fix gap appearing above windows on first monitor after restarting bspwm
	bspc config -m HDMI-A-0 top_padding 3
	bspc config -m HDMI-A-0 bottom_padding 40
	# Fix top/bottom margins for secondary monitor
	bspc config -m HDMI-A-1 bottom_padding 3
	bspc config -m HDMI-A-1 top_padding 40

	bspc wm -O HDMI-A-0 HDMI-A-1
	# bspc monitor -d I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
	bspc monitor HDMI-A-0 -d 1 2 3 4
	# pgrep -x polybar > /dev/null || $HOME/.config/polybar/launch.sh

# Make sure theme cursor is shown when mouse is not over a window, instead of the standard default one
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr

bspc rule -a Gimp desktop='^8' state=floating follow=on
bspc rule -a Chromium desktop='^2'
bspc rule -a mplayer2 state=floating
bspc rule -a Kupfer.py focus=on
bspc rule -a Screenkey manage=off
bspc rule -a Zathura state=tiled
bspc rule -a Passy state=tiled

bspc rule -a scpad sticky=on state=floating rectangle=1896x400+10+50

betterlockscreen -u $HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/ --fx dim --dim 50

Note: On booting into the WM the secondary monitor polybar doesn't launch, but it appears after restarting bspwm.

Im not entirely sure if my way of thinking is correct with regards to how bspwm handles the timing of setting default values and then reading its configuration file, but it seems to at least half work now.


I've been using linux mint cinnamon for a few months but a few days ago I decided to try endeavourOS. Since the switch I experienced a few crashes where the screen went black and then login page showed up and after getting back my opened apps were all closed. Today I also noticed that my apps pinned to the task manager/bar also got unpinned but I'm not sure at which point that happened. I heard that linux has problems with nvidia GPUs so maybe it has something to do with it?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by InFerNo@lemmy.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

I'm trying to troubleshoot this DNS I have on a small old Odroid C1 board.

I have set up a static IP, but cannot get DNS to work. The image comes with systemd-resolved by default. I have notes that said to set a static IP, then disable systemd-resolved, and after a reboot the DNS would work, but that didn't work. I've looked into systemd-resolved a little bit, and have configured the DNS servers manually, which is required when using a static address.

My gateway is also my DNS.

Here is what I believe to be relevant output:




Output of resolvectl status and some pings:

[root@alarm alarm]# resolvectl status
       LLMNR setting: yes
MulticastDNS setting: yes
  DNSOverTLS setting: no
      DNSSEC setting: allow-downgrade
    DNSSEC supported: yes
  Current DNS Server:
         DNS Servers:
Fallback DNS Servers:
          DNSSEC NTA: 10.in-addr.arpa

Link 2 (eth0)
      Current Scopes: DNS LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv6
DefaultRoute setting: yes
       LLMNR setting: yes
MulticastDNS setting: no
  DNSOverTLS setting: no
      DNSSEC setting: allow-downgrade
    DNSSEC supported: yes
  Current DNS Server:
         DNS Servers:
[root@alarm alarm]# ping google.com
ping: google.com: Name or service not known
[root@alarm alarm]# ping tweakers.net
ping: tweakers.net: Name or service not known
[root@alarm alarm]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.329 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.243 ms
*** ping statistics
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.243/0.286/0.329/0.043 ms
[root@alarm alarm]# ping       
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=58 time=22.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=58 time=14.3 ms
*** ping statistics
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.258/18.280/22.302/4.022 ms

Alternatives to systemd-resolved welcome, just need it to work.


The solution was to add DNSSEC=no in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf. I learned this by running journalctl -u systemd-resolved -f, which said DNSSEC validation failed for question google.com IN A: failed-auxiliary.

submitted 1 month ago by rorschah@lemdro.id to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

vulkan-nouveau (aka NVK) is no longer experimental and has gotten pretty good with nouveau + GSP binary firmware blobs for Pascal and newer Nvidia cards.

submitted 1 month ago by Markaos@lemmy.one to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

Not complaining, just wondering - I was upgrading my system and noticed that the net upgrade size is -748 MB, with just a few important-looking packages set to be upgraded. So I checked and it's wine - going from 1338 MB (9.9-1) to just 587 MB (9.9-2).

I checked the commits to the package repo, and as far as I can tell, this is the only change between 9.9-1 and 9.9-2 - it removes a bunch of hardening flags and that's it. I know these often come at the price of increasing the final build size, but more than double?

For context, the Arch-wide flags are defined here, if I understand it correctly

submitted 1 month ago by Binette@lemmy.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 month ago by lorty@lemmy.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

I know my way around a command line. I work in IT, but when it comes to my personal fun time more often than not I'm quite lazy. I use windows a lot because just plugging in anything or installing any game and it just working is great.

But support for windows 10 is ending and I should probably switch sonner rather than later, so I'm wondering if Arch would be a good pick for me? For reference, I mostly game and do Godot stuff in my free time.

ISO verification (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by bitahcold@lemmy.world to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

Hello guys, I'm using Arch as a newbie. Learning about it. But worried about a thing. When I was creating the bootable media for install it, I downloaded the .iso and .iso.sig from any mirror that is near. I followed the things about verification of .iso but I got some errors and gave up. Just used the iso I didn't verificated. I am using the OS that iso installed. There is nothing wrong with usage. I can access all the things about Arch, not had any problems and any performance issues. No special internet usage, no broken things etc. but I'm a bit worried about is there any malicious software such as keyloggers, mining softwares... Can I verify my Arch after the installation? Can I see if there is any software malicious via htop-bpytop? Should I create the bootable media again with verification and reinstall my Arch?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

Hi guys,

Anyone old like me who still likes to buy music CDs, but young enough where I want to rip perfect flac files from them? My tool of choice has been exact audio copy for like, ever.

I realized this weekend it’s the only windows software left that I still boot into windows for. Used to be the odd game here and there that didn’t work in linux, but even that has stopped.

Anyways - I’m looking for all the bells and whistles. It handles gaps correctly, can create cue sheets, does error correction, and ultimately allows me to make a 100% backup of a music CD (I can take a blank CD and make a perfect copy of the original). Anything in the AUR that does this? Anyone have success running EAC with proton/wine etc and can offer some tips? Thanks.

libz.so1 cannot open (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Putnik@lemmygrad.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

I want to run Undertale via Heroics Games Launcher but I get the error: ./runner: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared objects file: No such file or directory.

I tried reinstalling zlib, pacman -Syu and reinstalling the Game.

For anyone having issues: lib32-openssl-1.0 is removed from the arch repos but its available in the AUR.

Choosing Next OS (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by bitahcold@lemmy.world to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

I was Nobara user, then I am using Fedora right now. I want to use things like Hyprland etc. and ya know, Its damn cool to say I am using arch btw. So I've decided to use Arch Linux. But everyone says its always breaking and gives problems. That's because of users, not OS.. right? I love to deal with problems but I don't want to waste my time. Is Arch really problemful OS? Should I use it? I know what to do with setup/ usage, the hardness of Arch is not problem for me but I am just concerned about the mindset "Arch always gets broken".

submitted 2 months ago by linucs@lemmy.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by sga@lemmy.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

Can someone help, i have been having trouble connected with my home universities vpn, for past 15-20days, it is an openvpn connection, so i have been using networkmanager-openvpn to import my config files, and they have worked previously, but for last 15-20 days i get connection timed out, all certificates used are correct, i have tried to connect on cli,

Connection activation failed: The connection attempt timed out

and it suggests to check journalctl logs (nothing erroneous i could find) i am also able to connect with this vpn with my phone (with openvpn official app with same files), and also i am able to connect to proton's vpns with my laptop, so i guess my device is not completely broken, i have tried to redownload my certificate files, recreating vpn profile, reinstalling networkmanager, nothing worked

submitted 2 months ago by mub@lemmy.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

I've been trying various Linux flavours every year for 10 years or so. The last year I tried Arch, then EndeavourOS, which has been my most successful Linux exploration I've ever had, and given me huge hope. However, there are still a few things preventing me switching it to my default OS.

I'll put aside Games that need Anti Cheat, as I doubt that will ever be fully fixed, unless Governments force game devs to support more than just Windows.

Here is what doesn't work for me:

  1. Streaming services like NowTV. (Works in Windows in browser only)
  2. DRM proected VST's for use with Reaper (not via Wine)
  3. Roblox (Using Waydroid was not very successful)
  4. Office 365 (I like Libreoffice and OnlyOffice but fact is Word and Excel are just required for some stuff)

I created this small script and thought it might be useful to someone else. Any feedback is welcome!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by mub@lemmy.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml

I watch the F1 on NowTV. In windows this works fine in Firefox but not in Linux. My research turned up various posts linking to the "widevine" package that depends on "glibc-widevine" but that seems to have disappeared. What happened to it? did it work? where can I get it? is there an alternative?


As title says.

I've followed this guide, everything is working as desired but I got myself thinking if it'd be possible in the future to add a second nvme (I have a 1 TB nvme now). I've googled a little but all that I found so far apparently was about expanding the very same drive used in the installation, not adding a second one.

Could anyone more experienced tell me if that's is possible in this context and, if so, point me in the right direction?

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