I'm vacationing in Japan at the moment, visiting relatives. It is sweltering so we stay mostly indoors, but I have been a couple of trips to akihabara. Initially I only meant to buy a used ic-7100 this year, but then of course I also needed a new psu, so alinco was it. After a couple of days I realize that an brand spanking new ic-7300 was half price compared to home (provided I manage to avoid VAT coming home) so I bought one. And now I of course need a new antenna for all this fancy new equipment..... It snowballs.
I know I'll have to do mars mod on the radios. No trouble. That's easy.
Actually my main worry is my baggage allotment when flying back home.
That urge for a new radio for me looks like comparison hypnosis or rabbit holing.
I’ll see someone post on here/mastodon about a new radio or technology. Then I start checking out the specs. Then I start checking the specs of similar items. On to deciding if I need the newest model though because it has a few more features that I “need”. Oh wait, the other thing has a better this or that.
4 hours later, I have my credit card out and about to check out and then it dawns on me:
Oh wait, do I actually need this?
…yes. Of course. SWIPE
Also the 7300 is great. Congrats and nice find in Japan.
Lol I like your style, I just picked up an IC-7000 myself for the same reasons, I get it :)