I used to regularly put images in comments by using ![]()
. Suddenly that does not work anymore, help!
It stopped working for me (and also another user) a few days ago. Until I post the comment it is fine but when I post it, the url of the image is getting automatically changed into a format that does not work.
Before posting it looks like this:
However, posting it changes the url into this (non working) url
I will post the same image as a comment in this thread from two different accounts to illustrate.
How did this suddenly change, I never had problems posting images in comments before?
What can I do to fix this? I like posting images in comments and would be very happy if I could go back to it?
Tested again just now. Still seems busted.
Still this code added in, breaking image-linking attempts:
Please link me the image you were trying to post there, so i can try to reproduce the error.
EDIT: Non-polite, frustrated words.
Old man ranting at clouds, basically.
Sorry folks, sorry.