I've got both Heimdall and Pi-Hole running in docker. They both work fine, but I'd like to get the Pi-Hole advanced statistics in Heimdall. The others, I just put on the bridge network, but I'm not sure I can have the Pi-Hole on bridge and the macvlan network. Is that possible, or is there a better way to accomplish this?
I haven't been able to figure this out either, my dashboard is just links to my other containers with no obvious way to get at the juicy stats.
You can get access to most of them by setting them all to use the bridge network (network_mode: bridge). Then if you inspect the bridge network, you can see the bridge network ip's of them all and use that for Heimdall. The Pi-Hole is an exception though since it requires a different network.
Can Heimdall use the Docker socket?