Are you doing your part?
A relaxed section for uncategorized discussion. Post a question, share some advice, let us know how your week is going, etc.
I just joined yesterday. I've always been more of a lurker, but trying to at least comment on stuff now to help get conversations rolling/more interaction. I think knowing that most of the communities are new and trying to gain traction, rather than being years old and just ghost towns gives a bit of hope.
Breakfast for me was leftover pizza
Left over pizza is good breakfast food. My favorite leftovers for breakfast have always been Chinese food though.
And welcome to the federated web. I'm new here myself. I find I've been more active than I ever was on reddit. It feels like more people have good intentions here than on the other platforms.
This is the way. Be the participation you want to see in the world.
Also, eggs, sausage, and grits.
Hmm. Love grits. It's the perfect transport medium for all of the butter you put on them. ๐