Anyone do relationship counselling and get anywhere or was it just a waste of time? Spare money isn’t really a thing and it’s expensive af.
Been doing it for about 18 months this time around, break before that, then for about a year before that. It's definitely not a waste of time for us. Two kids, mortgage pressures, redundancies, loss of close friends to cancer, general stresses of everyday life all contribute to relationship difficulties. It really helps to have a third party give perspective in a safe calm space. Expensive, but if it's the right counselor then totally worth it.
It's worth it but it may take some time to find the right counselor that's a fit for the both of you. The first one we tried didn't sit well with us, we are now seeing another one who is more on our level. It means the both of us approach the session in a more positive light and we both take the feedback on board, rather than starting the session in a negative way and putting up a block because we feel the counselor doesn't understand us
Haircut day! Which means I get to go into the city and be around people. In desperate need of social stimulation.
Anyone know whether the Geelong rental market is as borked as Melbourne? I'm half considering a job there.
I've been poking through old emails for a while and found my old library card number. Out of curiosity I logged in (apparently they don't shutdown your account after 2 years like the others I've been with). Apparently I forgot to return an item and my accounts been barred with a $50 fee. Honestly not as bad as I was expecting, although I don't remember them ever emailing me about it.
Apparently they've also rebranded which is nice. I remember them as being a drab grey building with "area library corporation" written on it. Apparently they've dropped the corporation part of it and redecorated, which is nice
Edit: the book is over 6 years overdue, so at least it's not a monthly fee 😂
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