It's more or less accurate, except at the top where the red team guy is respecting a woman.
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That image seemed more like "traditional role models, clothes and heterosexual white couples" to me
The womanβs hair should be blonder, and she should be wearing more of a tradwife dress.
Its Japanese though and I think that that IS their traditional housewife outfit.
Same for blonder, I mean they obviously k ow what blonde is but that's probably plenty blonde to be very blonde to them.
Clearly the republican picture is attempting to depict the marriage photo of Hank and Peggy Hill.
I read that as "Left is in constant debate with itself" vs. "Right shakes hands and gets down to business"*
*^^horrible ^^horrible ^^business
Y'all better move fried chicken back over that line right fuckin now.
Trade for Starbucks
Embrace your inner fascist and cross the line yourself to get the chicken you deserve
Adorable how little that truck is
Japanese artist: "I drew it as large and obnoxious as possible!"
Westerners: "it's adorable that you think that"
That is the largest truck that someone who's spent their whole life in Japan can conceptualize. Japan is a land of tiny trucks.
CNN? The channel that recently spent hours dissecting every stutter and stumble Biden made and just plain refused to talk about the vicious lies and ad hom attacks Trump spent the entire debate spewing, and just didnβt find it worth mentioning how he avoided answering several super important questions? Thatβs who they think the left gets news from?
Like, at least put the NPR on there lol.
How did they not put any guns?
would be controversial to portray guns in a casual context
Wtf why do the republicans get the fried chicken???
Ha ha. Eat it, libs!
Wait not like that!
Or Pepsi and baseball? It should be the NFL and Coke instead of those two.
To me, the least accurate part is picking baseball to represent the right. I would've gone with wrestling, NASCAR, or maybe even football.
(I know the Japanese play baseball themselves... maybe it has a right-wing connotation there that's influencing the choice?)
A Republican man respecting a woman? Unrealistic.
The handshake is a ruse. Heβs exploiting her. Sheβs probably got a startup and heβs providing some kind of building blocks she needs and sheβs paying out the nose because she needs his shit. Heβs probably hitting on her with cheap jewelry.
Apple? Plz. We buy PCs and load on Linux.
Nah thatβs the communists
Don't think I believe the apple vs windows thing, but the rest looks about right.
It's not even a windows thing, it's specifically HP...which makes even less sense LMAO
I'm Japanese and I can tell you they have no idea. The comic just makes no sense to me because of that. Most can't even tell the difference between the two parties. They can't even tell the difference between political left and right.
Pacifists fear Trump. Nationalists think Trump is a savior. That's all. They are both conservatives, by the way.
Politics as consumerism. They got us dead to rights.
It should definitely be beer instead of Pepsi on the red side.
I guess it's a compliment that they put Japanese food on the blue side? Although they love fried chicken at Christmas.
serious question: what are the two Dems at the top doing? Is he refusing to shake her hand? Was he going in for a hug?
I think it's supposed to be clothing and talking style is more casual on left and more formal on right.
I saw this cartoon a while back.
Democrat's View of the World = A globe with USA shown divided between Red and Blue and the rest of the world in various pastels. There are a few black skull spots labeled 'Terrorism.'
GOP View of the World = Same globe, except there are only two colors. The USA Red States and everything else is 'Terrorism.'
The left side is every NATO leftist, except the rapper is white and the basketball player is replaced with a guy whining about the existence of sports
At first, I thought the catcher was a guy crouched with a gun and was shooting the batter in the ass.
I hate the Apple association, but everything else feels pretty valid.