Owning a dog is the intersection between thinking dogs are the best, and actually having the time, energy and headspace to look after one.
If dogs looked after themselves like cats do, I'd be inclined. But then they wouldn't be dogs, I suppose.
Greentexts, memes, everything 4chan.
Owning a dog is the intersection between thinking dogs are the best, and actually having the time, energy and headspace to look after one.
If dogs looked after themselves like cats do, I'd be inclined. But then they wouldn't be dogs, I suppose.
Dogs are so loving and in my case have always been obedient, but the first two years they behave like a dinosaur on meth. And then cats are so calm but they just ignore me except for when they want food.
Do you try to play with your cats? If you don't try to need any of their needs other than food, water, and litter, why would they care about you beyond that? I have 3 cats and a rescue kitten I'm fostering, and all 4 of them seek me and my wife out for attention every single day. Play with your cats and respect their boundaries, and they will come to you for their emotional needs as well.
I have two cats and one of them is motivated exclusively by food and the opportunity to rip cardboard boxes apart and spread to the contents over the floor. He's not interested in anything else.
The other one is perfectly friendly.
Sometimes you just have to have the right kind of cat.
This exactly! Cats don’t need to go for walks or be let out at regular intervals. You can even leave them home without a sitter for a week or so if you have automatic litter box and feed set up. (I have cameras and a neighbor who is available for emergencies). Cats are so low maintenance, but also I don’t do well with dogs smothering tendencies.
Fair enough!
Dogs are still awesome!
What's going on here?
Stereotyping and overgeneralisation!
Guess I'm not a straight man.... Hey honey....
I thought I was a straight male, but clearly the science has spoken. Hey honey...
Gay, but prefer dogs. Cats are boring by comparison.
Are you sure you're gay? The op clearly states you should love cats, and science doesnt lie now does it
My worldview’s in shambles
You're no longer allowed to listen to beyoncé
7 made up facts is going on
Straight man (cis) here. I prefer cats because having a dog is like having a stupid, stubborn kid that shits everywhere and screams constantly. Doesn't even come with the benefit of being able to witness their beautiful, growing mind. They're just dumb and annoying forever.
I expect this to be my most disliked comment lol
Second CIS, cat loving man here.
Dogs are cool, too; I like dogs. But I prefer cats. Pound for pound, cats are twice as bad-ass as a dog, which is why dogs can only really compete by forming into packs. Which, when they do, is a huge force multiplier, but still. I'm not having a pack of dogs in my house, so to maximize local bad-ass-ness in my house, I have cats.
I like how your choice of pet is purely based on how powerful the aura of the animal is lol.
My local HOA won't let me have a pet bear. ☹️
Third. Cat person from a family of mostly dog people. Dogs just seem too pushy, like the annoying kids in the playground who won’t leave you alone, or the vapid extroverts talking cocaine-infused bullshit at parties.
Also, they (like most animals) stink; as far as cats go, there’s something to be said for domesticating solitary ambush predators that spent their entire evolutionary history hunting by stealth and subsisting off prey with a strong sense of smell.
I think it depends on your stance towards authoritarianism. Dogs follow commands, cats do not.
Cats follow rules. Your mistake is believing you are in charge.
Cats can absolutely follow commands. Tell your cat "watch out" as you sit near them for a week. Then just say it one day and watch as they get up.
It's just a different learning and motivation system than dogs.
we all just like animals, and none of us have the real estate for dogs anymore
What if you're a guy that prefers dogs but somehow ended up with a plethora of cats since your last dog died a few years back from cancer?
Am I gay or a closeted straight guy now?
If I like both cats and dogs, what does that make me?
I am offended and would like to file a complaint.
We have 2 snakes. But i call my ( cornsnake ) sometimes my puppy. My partner his snake ( hognose ) we lovingly call the kitten.
So from now on i am a male and he is female. Got it. Good to find these kind off rules. Otherwise we would suffer in unknowing and make mistakes against statistics. ;)
I think its called toxoplasmosis
Anon is an odiot.
I prefer neither and don't like pets at all.. Straight white guy.