I've noticed an uptick as well. This isn't the first time it's happened over the years, though. Spam is a cat-and-mouse game. Every now and then spammers learn how to break through, and it takes some time for Google to adapt.
I've been surprised by the latest wave, because it's so obviously spam. Mostly phishing attempts full of misspellings and even numbers in place of letters, like F1del1ty instead of Fidelity. Should be pretty easy to filter.
It's hard to imagine a scenario where this would happen and your voice would not otherwise be available. For example, if you went into politics, then you'd be a target, but you'd already be speaking in public all the time. It only takes a few seconds of a voice sample to do this nowadays and it'll only get easier from here.
Maybe just make a point to educate your family and friends on the risk of voice cloning so they don't fall for phone scams.