What's the original?
That's good way of framing it!
I found someone who, just yesterday, submitted a device support request for my exact model! The request is here, I'll watch it for a bit.
They are from aliexpress, perhaps they are still the same thing?
I'm using the ZHA connector, these are Tuya bulbs, I've had good success with other Tuya products but alas. ~ Where would I requested support?
I'm using ZHA as the smart hub
I tried installing the Fedora display link driver from here: https://github.com/displaylink-rpm/displaylink-rpm
It didn't work out of the box, I need to fiddle with it some more.
But, does M3 macbooks support egpus? My understanding was they don't.
My goal is to drive all of this off single cord.
Thank you!
I guess the second part of my question is I want to confirm that WLED says "per LED" they really mean "per IC".
You could create the firstname.lastname.secret@company.com alias to your current email, then create a filter to auto-archive anything from outside your domain directed at your email directly.