Yeah was gonna say, honey and garlic is probably a pretty good naturopathic concoction. Friend of mine used to brew a chilli tea for colds, sounds like garlic honey would work well with it
I'll pass on the ivermectin though
Yeah was gonna say, honey and garlic is probably a pretty good naturopathic concoction. Friend of mine used to brew a chilli tea for colds, sounds like garlic honey would work well with it
I'll pass on the ivermectin though
I know I'm late to the party here but if you brine your chicken before crumbing it makes a world of difference.
Just use a 2.5% w/v brine, submerge for 4-12 hours any longer and it'll ruin the chicken. Make sure to rinse the chicken off afterwards
Helps tenderize/break down the meat a little, season it and help it retain moisture so you get a beautiful crispy textured crumb and a soft juicy chicken interior
Alternatively can use buttermilk for the same effect but brining has a more neutral flavour
t. chef
Yeah sounds about right, enjoy your failed state.
Fuck off, placating Nazis does more damage to free speech than any of this.
It is a valid reason, it is also perfectly moral to use violence against Nazis.
Nothing beats good old prison labour
Could you give me a quick summation of why a free banking era is a bad thing and how it relates to the 1800s?
Not trying to start an argument, just genuinely curious
Yup I don't disagree with you one bit, strong leadership absolutely makes or breaks a company and this largely a systemic issue.
Not every day you have a civil conversation with someone on the internet, all the best to you.
In the same boat, not sure if I'll purchase Intel again after the issues with the latest CPU gens. But more competition in the market is always good.
Personally hoping some Chinese GPU company makes a break through in the western market too because consumer pc pricing is so out of touch these days
I think you're missing the forest for the trees so to speak, the pay for CEO's is so disproportionate for the work they do compared to practically every other job.
The job for CEO's is to generate profit for the shareholders above all else, public listed companies are intrinsically flawed because of this and the structure needs to be changed so we aren't constantly bombarded with societal issues due to these fucks.
It doesn't matter about the metrics of individual CEOs the position itself is the problem.
I haven't had a problem running anything yet, currently playing fallout 4 with f4se and a few mods using a ds4 controller over bluetooth.
That's probably one of the buggiest games out there so that's saying something. It's the first game I've had to tinker with the launch settings though
Just so you know putting blades through the dishwasher dulls them faster, the main thing is the edge will warp due to differences in temperature so you'll need to hone them with a steel afterwards to keep the edge consistent, you'll also probably need to use a whetstone more often.
But up to you, I've got 'trash and bash' knives I put through all the time, but I keep my expensive knives away from it