[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

Not sure if this is an age thing but at a certain point I just stopped wanting “forever fixes”. Nothing is forever. You’re just patching in the hopes that the nex hole is easier to patch now that you have all the shit you need to do patches.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 66 points 9 months ago

You’re totally forgetting the part where from the very top down that company is run by total fuckwads.

They’ve fucked up at every single step and remained utterly self righteous throughout.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 70 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

So you accidentally learned the greatest lesson the church has to offer. Salvation for a profit.

Power drunk mods (lemmy.world)

So after a run in with a moderator yesterday I’ve had some thoughts I felt I wanted to share.

I won’t name them here, you are welcome to look at my comment history and make up your own mind.

In this instance a user posted some misinformation. I don’t think they intended to, they merely perpetuated a myth, they clearly simply knew no better.

I tried to respond diplomatically, they doubled down, other users piled on, the downvotes are plenty and then I responded with an article citing evidence supporting my assertions.

I also stated that the burden of proof lies with the claimant and asked for some context on why they seemed dead set on the lie they were aping back, asking if they subscribe to other myth based beliefs, religions, etc. That post was unceremoniously deleted with no notice to me and no reasons given… until the user pointed out in another post that they are the sole mod of the community and warned me that they were “not afraid to ban” me should I “cross the line” in a very *‘I’m the sheriff of this here town’ *tone. Which gave me a chuckle.

That’s my side of the story, it’s all there if you want to draw your own conclusions. It really doesn’t matter who is right or wrong in a ‘someone is wrong on the internet’ spat but I did spot a chink in the fediverse through this incident.

The real point here is that this kind of behaviour is one of things that made Reddit fucking awful and I’d hate to see it flourish here in the fediverse.

I don’t have the solutions just some suggestions that I’d be keen to hear others opinions on:

  1. No moderation without representation. IOW: mods should be democratically elected.
  2. Mod elections should be annual and no mod should enjoy that status for life.
  3. There should be a mechanism for inducing a ‘no confidence’ mode election at any time otherwise the communities are likely to splinter into “real_” communities just as they did on Reddit which no community in the fediverse can currently afford.

What say you my brothers and sisters and everything in between? Is there a way to safeguard against cronyism, corruption and other frailties of the human ego?

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 72 points 11 months ago

I’m fucking convinced you guys are going to vote that chud in again. Or let him be voted in again. There is nuance but it’s the same outcome.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 57 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Go into any of the relationship subreddits today and for the next few days and you will see countless Americans melting down into various degrees of rage and bitterness over Xmas presents.

It’s like this very goddamn year.

Can anyone explain this part of the culture to me?

I’m not saying I hate all Americans or anything ridiculous like that, the cast majority of Americans I’ve met are good hearted people but when it comes to Xmas and in what I’m given understand is the modern vernacular: “y’all cray.”

Don’t any of your families still watch the Charlie Brown Christmas? Because you really should.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 102 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What he doesn’t realise (which most middle aged men don’t realise, myself included) is how far the culture has moved since 2001. The values, the mores, the basic morality has shifted. It isn’t tight jeans past 40 that make you look old, it’s your outmoded relationship with the world that does that.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 54 points 1 year ago

For an 11 year old to be so full of hate someone must be pushing an agenda on them pretty hard and in this case at the very least it ain’t the drag queens.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 71 points 1 year ago

Human beings creating hell on earth. Still.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 51 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Eh I don’t mind a schmooze.

More than once a month? No. Weekends? No. Mandatory? Hell no, but I think that a bit of camaraderie goes a long, long way when dealing with iffy clients or just generally.

I don’t think work is “family” but it should definitely be a team. That’s just good for everyone. Raising a pint every so often definitely helps that along.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 64 points 1 year ago

I mean, at this stage you can tell that by the name.

These deplorables love children so much that they don’t even bat an eye at using child sexual abuse as a political tool while simultaneously turning a blind eye to 300,000 children raped by clergy.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 59 points 1 year ago

You are describing the problem they are trying to solve.

[-] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 53 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Not sure if there are any ex Redditors old enough to remember the Sydrah debacle?

In which a Reddit user and mod of several communities advertised on LinkedIn that they were ‘a social community manager who had pull in several online communities’ (“has pull” is a direct quote the rest is paraphrased) and that they could be paid to influence the narrative in these communities.

Someone doxxed them and leaked the LinkedIn profile and a vast swathe of the community cried out in horror and revulsion. Oh how the bacon narwhaled on that day!

She’s still a mod of 2xC and at least a few dozen other subs.

Looks like Reddit just legitimised her now ancient play really. It’ll be a website full of Sydrahs after this.

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