Your grandma wasa real one ๐ซก
Don't forget about all of the DAMN sponsors Sid the Science Kid had.
The Metlife Foundation
The RoseHills Foundation
The S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation
The John W. Carson Foundation
The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
That was, like, 5 GODDAMN FOUNDATIONS sponsoring this one PBS Kids show in particular. Good lord...
Nothing will ever top the 200th Scott the Woz episode, Borderline Forever. Not only is the blue border around all of Scott's videos the main focus of the episode, but it actually feels like a full Hollywood production. There are so many references and gags to Scott's older videos, and he didn't get just one cameo, he got multiple, most notable ones being the Angry Video Game Nerd (James Rolfe), Brett Favre from the cover of Madden '09, as well as Vince Young from the cover of the Madden game released the previous year (Madden '08). Not to mention the fact that Scott and his friends wrote the entire script themselves. In the video, Scott loses his sanity over the fact that his vision is being blocked by the blue border, and he tries to not only understand it but to also get rid of it and get it out of his life and his videos. The most noteable part of this video, however, are the songs. This makes me want a goddamn Scott the Woz musical so badly. You have the headliner "Stupid Nintendo Games" along with its reprisal at the end, "Closing In", and "Might As Well", all incredible songs. It literally feels like a full-on musical with the feeling of these songs. It truly feels like the better version of a Disney Musical. It is clear to me that it isn't just a Scott the Woz movie. It's a celebration of the entire series in general to commemorate its 200th episode. The episode looks both into the past of the series, as well as looks to the future and sets the stage for future episodes. Don't forget the fact that Scott also held a contest for his fans on Twitter where they could submit 3 second video clips of them pretending to be in an earthquake that would be shown in the full movie. You know all of those videos in the news report of the people in "Ohio" experiencing an earthquake? Those were the contest winners. They were included as extra little cameos.
I'm sorry, but Borderline Forever is easily the best episode of Scott the Woz and nothing will ever come close.
Not that kind of ERB, talking about Epic Rap Battles of History XD
One of my personal top picks is from Wayne Gretzky's second verse when he rap battled against Tony Hawk.
"Time out, let's talk about athletic achievements. You and I have so many world records between us.
184, that's plenty of 'em. AND I'VE SET 183 OF 'EM!"
Damn dude, I seriously hope things get better for you. :(
For me personally, I'm gonna stay up for Christmas Eve and watch NORAD Tracks Santa.
Always is a great pass time to watch Santa's journey across the world, and is also a great tool to know his location and to know when he will arrive in your location/area. It's one of the best things of the Christmas season for sure!
Compared to The Year of Shadow, Luigi got almost absolutely nothing other than the previously mentioned Luigi's Mansion 2. New Super Luigi U and Dr. Luigi are literally just reskins of New Super Mario Bros. U and Dr. Mario but with Luigi as the main character instead of Mario. And in the terms of New Super Luigi U, there is virtually NOTHING changed from the main New Super Mario Bros. U game other than Luigi starring in the game and increased difficulty. Everything else? Exactly the same, they literally changed nothing. They didn't even give Luigi his own story, they just reprised the story of New Super Mario Bros. U, same levels, characters, and everything, minus Mario, of course. In contrast, Shadow did not just straight-up replace Sonic in Sonic Generations and have it be called Shadow Generations. Oh, no. They actually bundled the original Sonic Generations with an entirely new experience and story that revolves around Shadow (of course), Gerald Robotnik, and Maria. And they also created entirely new levels with unique environments and unique layouts that add brand-new, never-before-seen mechanics on top of the original mechanics. They gave Shadow his own story, own game, and own experience and didn't just have Shadow replace Sonic. It's called SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS for a reason: it's two standalone games bundled into one unified experience. And all of the positive reviews have shown.
The Year of Luigi flopped hard in comparison to The Year of Shadow.
Luigi? Got virtually nothing. Shadow on the other hand? A bike, standalone game, multiple collaborations, and more.
Luigi is considered Player 2 for a reason.
Okamiden was not made by Hideki Kamiya, and Kamiya himself considers Okamiden to be a spiritual successor, not a sequel.
So, to put it simply, Okamiden is not canon.
"ACK! Well. I seem to be seriously wounded."