yeah that makes sense. all in all it sounds like any of the systemic discrimination you are describing is endlessly better than the systemic discrimination here in the US. I don't hear about people being murdered walking the streets, poisoned by their own drinking water, beat up by police, enslaved in prisons, denied access to life saving health care, denied access to education, denied access to housing. This is what systemic discrimination means here. It sounds like what you are describing are very small issues in comparison.
Oh sorry I thought you were saying systemic discrimination against LGBTQ people, is that not what you were talking about?
Can you describe what you mean by a ghetto? What are the conditions, etc?
Can you give some details about what the abysmal systemic discrimination is?
I would just put an alert on Slickdeals for them and wait until a good deal pops up that has comments verifying that they are good
Ron Unz is a fascist and his website is a disgusting place
I've been thinking about this idea lately, since one of your previous comments on the topic.
I think it could make sense that China maintains it's current position as the means of production for the world, as exporting that role to the majority of available non-socialist countries would mean the greatest odds of handing it back to the control of foreign capital.
By China maintaining trade surplus and a strong control over global manufacturing as well as natural resource allocation, it can provide the strongest guarantee to itself that it can strike decisively and precisely when the moment is right.
When a new technological breakthrough is found which can catapult progress forward, China will be able to have it built in a few years because of the way their economy is currently functioning. Only China is in a position to, say, actually design and then make a scalable fusion reactor and build a dozen of them within a few years to then cut off the need for fossil fuels entirely. This is one of thousands of potential examples of technology that is being worked towards which, as soon as we find something that actually works, needs to be scaled up massively as quickly as possible, but you get my point. No one else is going to be able to actually figure these things out and then make them real on the scale necessary while also defending themselves from all sides by 5 eyes and improving the average citizen's life year after year. Being able to do these sorts of massively scaled, expensive, and innovative projects as quickly as possible is the only way to lower the coming death tolls from climate disasters and protect not only China but the world's future.
When disasters strike, as they will more and more, China will be able to not only help their people more effectively than everyone else, but we see in the case of COVID that they were able to keep their economy stable when all others were heavily impacted. Huge populations in China will need to likely be relocated during the next 40-80 years, which is a really short time that most of us will be alive to see. Their economy in it's current iteration and relationship with foreign capital supports this position, and as long as imperialists stay meddling, it seems wise to maintain course.
Then there is the BRI which needs a lot of money to essentially help accelerate the ability for the undeveloped world to develop, which will also further squeeze the foreign capitalists themselves. The only way for the investments into BRI to be most likely to pay off is to ensure that a lot of capital can flow to other countries with no guarantees aside from better deals on natural resources which mostly benefit you if you are a manufacturing hub. You need to be able to absorb billions in losses for when the US orchestrates a coup in the country you invested in and destroys what you've invested in. At the same time, China is maintaining a fantastic balance of livelihood growth, with more and more Chinese citizens being more and more satisfied while still maintaining the working conditions the undeveloped world.
It costs a lot for a nation like China just to have to engage in a world with the US, and I think the Chinese can see the US shuffling off to die in the cave and knows better than to prematurely turn it's back until it is clear that the predator can no longer strike. China is preparing for a shift that has not arrived yet, but is coming swiftly and I think China is consistently keeping up with being in the best position possible to leap forward at every opportunity without exposing itself to potentially fatal attacks.
I think your analysis of how China must shift it's economy in order to progress along the road to socialism is true, but it is not of the current moment and won't be until we firmly enter the new era. I think we will see this type of shift begin to happen in two or three generations, after the fall of imperialism at it's own hands, a world of disasters which no one is prepared for, and then the rebuilding of a socialist world from the ashes under the leadership of China. Assuming nothing catastrophic happens by then which drastically changes China's position as a communist nation, I don't think the CPC is on the wrong trajectory, even if it feels like things aren't happening fast enough most of the time.
Here's a TikTok boba lib talking about going to xiaohongshu to promote Taiwan independence:
Also good to raise awareness on TikTok side of things like this guy:
Key facts
Spike protein persists in brain tissues and skull bone marrow for years post-infection.
mRNA vaccines reduce spike protein accumulation in the brain by 50%.
Chronic spike protein presence may accelerate brain aging and increase stroke risk.
Honestly an important example for communism being anti-religious. This idea gets thrown around a lot as if it means communists will oppress you for being a Christian or something, but they don't mention that there were fucking geomancers and mud idolatry cults taking people's income to throw in the river to get a blessing and not die from drinking dirty water. This is still a huge issue all around the world, like in India with the Brahmin mafia needing to get cut in on everything that happens in society to just burn some incense and say some words or else everyone will be punished by this god or that god, or the so-called Hyenas in Malawi who are hired to sleep with kids after their first menstruation in order to "cleanse" them, or the Catholic church for, well everything they've done. It makes sense that communists would fight these things, and they are religious things, but it doesn't have to mean that a communist must be anti-religious to fight specific examples of abuse from metaphysical thinking that they see around them.
The right to strike may have been removed but I have seen plenty of examples of strikes happening since then. It's not like striking doesn't happen in China