After you provide a source: "lol I'm not reading that"
Good. Now do something about homeopathy. I'm so sick of having to explain to people that homeopathy is not medicine in any shape or form. It's not even a home remedy. And it sits right next to actual medicine so people might accidentally buy it unwittingly.
He accuses the Democrat party of promoting dishonesty? Jesus fucking Christ. This is a guy who pushed the Big Lie that the 2020 Election was stolen. The sheer hypocrisy. Every accusation a confession.
Fucking hell. Him trying to repeal Obamacare was SUCH a big thing. It was pretty much all my tried to do for a full year. The blatant lying and reality denying...
As the interviewee?
I show up at their office for a round of interviews. IIRC it was 4 interviews of about an hour each. Every single interviewer comes in 5-10 minutes late. They all look completely exhausted. Unprompted, they all commented that "yeah, this is a start-up so we're expected to work 80 hour weeks. That's just how it is." I did not take that job.
Another place wanted to do a coding "pre-screening" thing. You know, where you go to a website and there's a coding question and you code it and submit your answer. THIS place wanted you to install an extension that took full control of your browser, your webcam, your mic, etc. So it could record you doing the coding challenge. No, thank you.
As the interviewer? omg, the stories I can tell.
We had a guy come in for an hour interview. We start asking him the normal interview questions. Literally everything he says is straight up wrong or he says, "I don't know" and then just gives up and doesn't try to work out a solution or anything. But we have a whole hour with this guy and as interviewers we've been instructed to use the full hour otherwise candidates complain that they weren't given a fair chance even when it's TOTALLY obvious it's going to be a "no-hire." So we start asking this guy easier and easier questions... just giving him basic softball questions... and HE STILL GETS THEM ALL WRONG. We ask him what type of variable would you use to store a number? He says, "String." WHAT?! I'm totally flabbergasted at this point. So finally I get a brilliant idea: I'll ask him an OPINION question! There's no way he can get that wrong, right? Looking at his resume, it has something like "Java Expert" on there. So I say to him, "It says on your resume you're a Java Expert. What's your favorite thing about Java?" His response? "Oh, I actually don't know anything about Java. I just put that on my resume because I know they used that at a previous company." So now on top of this guy getting every question wrong, we've established he has also lied on his resume, so basically just red flags EVERYWHERE. Finally, after a grueling 45 minutes we decide to give up asking questions and just end with the whole, "So we like to reserve the last bit of time so you can ask us questions. Do you have anything you'd like to ask?" Without missing a beat, this guy goes, "When do I start? I feel like I NAILED that interview!"
At another company I worked at, we would do online interviews that took only an hour. The coding portion of the interview had a single question: "Given a list of strings, print the contents of the list to the screen." That was it. Sure, we could make the coding question harder if they totally aced it, but the basic question was nothing more complicated than that. The candidate could even choose which programming language they wanted to use for the task. That single question eliminated half the candidates who applied for the job. Some straight up said they couldn't do it. One person hung up on me and then when I tried to call back they said the fire alarm went off at their place and they would reschedule. They never did. Many people forgot that I could see their screens reflected in their glasses and I could see them frantically Googling. There was one candidate that did so insanely poorly during the interview that we believe it must have been a completely different person that had gone through the initial phone screen, so basically they were trying to bait-and-switch.
I have a bunch of other stories but this post is already getting quite long.
For a laugh, review games on Google Play. The asinine responses you get...
The most ridiculous one was for a pay-to-win bullethell game WITH NO BULLETS. You literally just effortlessly shot at enemies with virtually no way to die. But you could pay stupid sums of money for a better ship which killed enemies faster.
The dev's response to my review calling their game overpriced and boring? "Join the discord so you can get tips from top players"
Every time some ridiculous shit like this happens, I remember when Howard Dean yelled a little too loud and that invalidated his entire political career.
I remember when ABP started whitelisting ads as part of some twisted business model. I switched to uBlock so fast and haven't looked back.
It's actually stated on the TSA website that frozen liquids are permitted.
"Your call is very important to us... but not so important that we would actually do anything about it like hiring more representatives. This message will repeat every 5 minutes until you get frustrated and hang up."
From what little I know about horses, almost all your time is spent trying to make sure they don't kill themselves. I can leave my vechile outside in the cold for weeks at a time and not have to think about it.