Meines Erachtens ein ausgeglichener Bericht mit pro und contra

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 85 points 5 months ago

Til : Pterodacrylus and helicopter share a linguistic ancestry

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 80 points 5 months ago

Unrealistic: in the real version, no awnser would be declared as fact. Even if one is clearly wrong the awnser will always be:

"It is important that we listen to both sides"

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 84 points 6 months ago

Let's start with divorcees not being allowed to run in the 2024 election if it is so incredibly unethical and all

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 175 points 6 months ago

What the hell is up with the design of the mother?

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 87 points 6 months ago

In my opinion, the funniest thing about the phrasing of the headline:

It would just straight up make it illegal to be a woman of color in Florida, which might be the republican goal irl

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 95 points 8 months ago

The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) Nuclear Data Library is a collaboration between NEA Data Bank participating countries. The JEFF library combines the efforts of its different Working Groups to produce sets of evaluated nuclear data, for fission and fusion applications.



I just opened youtube, and literally between every video on the home screen was the same adbanner for this stupid movie This was never this extreme for me. Is something similar happening for some of you, or is this just rng?

Spione gesucht (www.tagesschau.de)
[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 71 points 10 months ago

I absolutely adore the fact that this is the rose seller from the other comic

Ich🚫👻iel (feddit.de)
[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 62 points 11 months ago

He even forgot that you are not allowed to lie on the internet

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 64 points 1 year ago

Ok, schon ziemlich scheiße aber auch komisches Framing

Die Wahlkreise sind bei der Europawahl recht egal und es wäre sinnvoller die gesamt Prozente zu zeigen.

Beispiel Angenommen die afd kommt in der Hälfte der Wahlkreise auf 51 % und die CXU in der anderen Hälfte auf 51%, dann könnte immer noch z.b. die Partei haushoch gewinnen wenn sie in allen Wahlkreisen die restlichen 49% holt aber sie würde in diesem Graph nicht auftauchen

Daher schlechter Graph

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 110 points 1 year ago

Zumindest scheinen sich die Mathe Kenntnisse zu verbessern. Vor fünf Jahren war es noch jeder 4te

Dice Bot (feddit.de)

Hallo zusammen, Da Feddit und Lemmy allgemein doch eher nerdige Communities sind, wollte ich fragen, ob es hier einen dice bot gibt. Und falls nicht, was wäre nötig um einen zu etablieren?

spy x family ch90.5 (m.fanfox.net)

Hey there I found this short story very weird. Why make a big deal out of the fact that loid wrote her name wrong in the certificates?

The only thing I could see as a reason why to focus on it is, that anya is not from ostania. Anya sounds generell more eastern European than the other version used.

But I feel like it is allready well established that anya is from the region of France, is it not?

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 88 points 1 year ago

Pro Tipp: Wenn deine Tochter und dein Enkel Nazis sind schmeiß sie zuerst aus dem Haus bevor du sie verprügelt. Dann ist es keine häusliche Gewalt sondern Straßenreinigung

[-] No_Change_Just_Money@feddit.de 66 points 1 year ago

Facists taking control of the media to stay in power? Unheard of!

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