[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 120 points 9 months ago

I work as a hospital supervisor. I honestly don't know of any facility where you can't get saline iv flushes. Most nurses have pockets full of them each shift. If you didn't have that for some reason you could get sterile saline and draw it up yourself, also would be easily obtainable.

My only thought here is that the person didn't want to leave the room when administering drugs and so they used tap water as an easily sourced replacement for the drugs they was stealing since there is a sink is every room (at least in most hospital rooms).

The real answer here is that drug addiction overrides rational thought and they either didn't know or didn't care that tap water is not safe at all for iv administration.

We see lots of cases of diversion unfortunately because these drugs are just so damn addictive and there are only so many safe guards you can put in place to protect against it. At the end of the day no matter how many checks there are you will eventually have a clinical staff member drawing up the drugs and administering it. As long as this remains the case you will have people that abuse that weak link in the chain.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 177 points 9 months ago

This was a scam from the start. They fucked themselves because their trailer was popular and they promised the world. Their goal was to create a shit early access game with pre-made assets, get lots of buy in when it was released, endure some bad reviews, promise to fix things but then slowly dump support for the game. I've watched this exact thing happen probably ten times now.

What killed them was the hype and popularity. They were called out immediately for what they were doing and got stuck having to now make an actual game or face legal repercussions.

At the very least these cash grabs are getting spotted early and they're not getting to sneak by without facing consequences.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 138 points 9 months ago

Frankly I don't care. The US wastes trillions of dollars on military spending. We have the most advanced military in the world by a mile but all too often it ends up using it to defend someone else's financial interests or to pad the pockets of people that make their money through a war economy.

Russia can get fucked. Every cent spent on the defense of Ukraine is a fully realized fuck you to our enemy. Ukraine did what we could never do. They essentially removed Russia from the equation. Yeah they have many poorly maintained nukes but they know we will fuck their ass if they touch them. They will not be posing a real threat to anyone for generations.

We aren't spending this money on the American people and we never were going to do that anyway. Our choices are we fund people actually fighting for their life or we allow that money to get sucked into the military industrial complex for no real return. They're already getting theirs out of this, the only question that remains is do you back Republicans that have made up a nothing burger about this money because they've arbitrarily decided this is the 96th hill they'll die on, or do you you want to see the money you pay in taxes actually get put to a meaningful purpose.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 145 points 9 months ago

The truth lies in the actual quote. She's only saying that they need a backup in case he gets arrested or goes completely senile.

Its more akin to, 'our evil as shit old guy is getting a bit too old to keep doing all the evil shit we want, we need another younger fascist dictator in play'.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 88 points 10 months ago

These people are not fucking bright. Some covered their tracks but you know some of these traitorous rejects called from their cellphones. I cannot wait for the FBI to start knocking at their doors and introducing them to the find out stage. It will be January 6th all over again.

I have to assume making death threats against a judge carries some hefty consequences. These people only learn by watching their reject friends get 10 years in prison each. Make America Great Again? More like make these traitorous dumbfucks know fear again.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 114 points 11 months ago

I was really worried about dipshit mcsweatervest getting full control of this state. He made sure we knew he was going to ban abortion and he would have railroaded all kinds of legislation through from book bans to bills to make voting more difficult.

His plan was to turn Virginia into Florida and then use that to justify his presidential run later on. Get fucked ya dick head, you're not running my state into the ground for your political benefit. Enjoy being a massive loser for your entire political career.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 129 points 11 months ago

Rob is right around my age and the millennial influence is obvious. The progressive millennials have always ran circles around their foolish republican counterparts. The memery and clowning on silly republican bullshit is effortless. When it comes to social media the right loses every time.

No clearer evidence of that then let’s go Brandon. A true honest to god meme that the right got handed naturally. They lost their shit and beat it to death. I literally saw some loser in head to toe let’s go Brandon clothes.

Of course it got co-opted into Dark Brandon and they ended up only improving bidens image.

I hate that we even have to talk about political meme strategies but here we are. And there’s no one better than the dead inside chronically suicidal for the lulz millennials to lead the change.

Let them clown on the right. They deserve it.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 172 points 1 year ago

I’ve been tracking the comments on all of this across various websites to see what people’s thoughts are. This genuinely might be the most contentious issue of our age. There are people who are vehemently pro Palestine and can dismiss the loss of civilian lives as’ what do you expect when people are pushed like this’ . Then others are hugely pro Israel and see this as an unprovoked attack by a terrorist group and any retaliation is justified.

I think everyone’s shitty here. Hamas is a terrorist organization. They use terrorist practices and target civilians. That’s a terrorist organization. There’s no discussion on that point. Israel is a right wing authoritarian state that regularly commits war crimes. The total Palestinian body count far exceeds the death toll from this attack by orders of magnitude so we can’t pretend like Israel was minding its own business and was attacked.

I don’t think you can point to one or the other as being the true hero or the true victim. It’s the greatest grey area of all time.

I absolutely condemn the Palestinians and Hamas for this act. I absolutely condemn the Israelis for their continued mistreatment and violence towards Palestinians. One will say they only act this way because of the behavior of the other. But at this point where does the original blame for all of it start and end.

The only thing that is certain is that there will be far more blood shed and every dead Israeli will be met with 10 dead Palestinians. I suspect this will be the turning point for this ongoing conflict. And in the future there may no longer be a Palestine as we know it. With the US protecting Israel no other Arab countries will dare intervene militarily. If the Israelis occupy Gaza it’s going to quickly become a quagmire with a never ending insurgency. It will be costly and in ten years Israel will be more unsafe then they were today.

There’s no good answers or good parties here. Just disgusting human nature and the consequences of half baked racist geopolitics from the 40s.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 139 points 1 year ago

The North Carolina GOP have sort of flown under the radar but are busy passing unconstitutional laws and usurping power following Donald Trumps playbook. These fascists are not hiding what they’re doing, and if they’re given complete control they will be scrolling through the rise of nazism Wikipedia page to see what they should do next.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 114 points 1 year ago

I just want to point out of all the things here this is the least alarming, although context is key. Trust me when I say your medical professionals are googling and YouTubing all kinds of shit. I’ve watched doctors google procedures before attempting them, especially if it’s a rare procedure. YouTube actually has hundreds of hours of manufacturer hosted content designed specifically for this. Now again context is key. They say someone died after they attempted the thing they were searching. That’s def a problem especially if it were some procedure they should be fully competent to perform.

If your mechanic is googling how to change some obscure part on a car he rarely works on, mmmm that’s reasonable. If your mechanic is googling ‘how to turn on windshield wiper Toyota Camry’ we got problems.

I remember sitting at the nurses station one day and someone asked the ER doc if she was familiar with this extremely rare genetic disorder. She goes ‘how dare you ask me that question I am a MEDICAL DOCTOR.’ There was a bit of a pause and she goes ‘ haha just kidding I have no idea but I’m gonna look it up’ .

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 121 points 1 year ago

There’s literally no difference between a trans person getting medical care like hormone therapy and any adult getting any other type of treatment. If you take pills for your limp dick, get breast implants, or use hormone therapy for things like controlling heavy menstrual bleeding or even as a form of cancer treatment, your rights are at risk. It’s merely a matter of who is in the White House and who controls the legislative bodies. These dickhead republicans are entirely shortsighted in that respect. Not that it matters, their base will eat it up as a victory. They literally led these idiots off a cliff during Covid and they cheered Trumps name as they took their last fibrosis riddled breath.

[-] RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip 276 points 1 year ago

Make no mistake this is a case of ‘the guy we voted for to Fuck with the people we don’t like is going after us instead’. Needle dick Ron laid waste to the state of Florida so he could play politics and the people of Florida got exactly what they wanted.

Well now the state is worse than it’s ever been and ol meatball is getting absolutely clowned on in the national spotlight. Eat shit dickhead, you thought you were the natural next choice but that’s all over.

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