[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 68 points 3 months ago


According to Newsweek, occupied Korea is posturing at sending troops and “advisors” to Ukraine to counter the North Koreans. Absolute clown stuff. Acting like there will be a ton of DPRK prisoners when there are just some DPRK “advisors” currently and Russia is winning and taking prisoners at a way higher rate.

Occupied Korea wants to send troops and involve itself in a losing war where there advisors will get killed and captured as Ukraine collapses? It’s a clever way to get more troops to Ukraine without NATO involvement I suppose.

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 78 points 3 months ago

well rounded party composition, good amount of healers and support classes

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 61 points 3 months ago

Israel fundamentally doesn't understand that killing 199 innocents to get to 1 Hezbollah commander (who will quickly be replaced) creates probably 500 more people willing to join Hezbollah to avenge their family and friends.

Unless they are willing to kill all 5.5 million people in Lebanon with airstrikes these tactics will never bring about victory. Guess how many Taliban leaders the US killed during its occupation of Afghanistan? It wiped out the leadership dozens of times. Taliban still won in the end, even more powerful than they started.

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 67 points 3 months ago

Biden basically just blurted out that Israel will be hitting Iranian oil facilities. It's not exactly a secret.

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 61 points 3 months ago

It was the state department that urged them to wait! Never believe this perfidious fuckers, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Stop trying to appease the US and fucking kill them.

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 60 points 4 months ago

Sheriff shot and killed a judge


[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 70 points 4 months ago

the dixie chicks were standing up against the Iraq War

Taylor Swift is standing up for a party doing genocide in Palestine

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 59 points 4 months ago

Minds being colonized, you hate to see it


Saw this guys blog floating around lefty spaces and he’s an ultra these days attacking China for “imperialism” in Mozambique (he’s Kenyan). Look him up on LinkedIn and he’s a radlib green imperialist who just really fucking hates a China, obvious opportunist and grifter who pretends to be a ultra anti-imperialist third worldist now when he was a saying the neoliberal nonsense a couple years back - the only thing that has stayed consistent is his hatred of China.

Remember folks, to solve traffic we have to innovate entrepreneurial solutions like hyperloops and donkeys. None of that icky polluting crap like trains and buses.

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 64 points 4 months ago

The US has escalated to de-escalate. The treacherous Russians have offered peace and a ceasefire in a cunning ploy to escalate

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 79 points 5 months ago

It’s not the same people.

The militant core of the first wave of George Floyd riots has basically zero overlap with the comprador classes who ingratiate themselves with the DNC. The latter group coopted the movement in the media while police squashed it on the ground.

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 84 points 5 months ago

Anybody see that footage of Ukrainian Army funeral processions where there’s a loudspeaker saying you must kneel or be legally charged with offending the Armed Forces and all the people on the sidewalk start kneeling?

Fucking weirdos. Weird country where they tape naked people to lampposts with their bare butts sticking out. If democrats care so much about not appearing weird, they should distance themselves from this deeply diseased nation

[-] SeekTheDeletion@hexbear.net 65 points 5 months ago

A lot of that stuff can’t be rebuilt either like the dams and power plants. Soviets could do it, but the modern neoliberal states cannot. They are living in the ruins of a more technologically advanced civilization and destroying the last functioning parts of it

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