No. Squirrels are way more important and matter more than Nazis
This is why 'doms' need to go through training what it's like to be a 'sub' ioo and possibly vice verse, to notice and deal with the potential pitfalls.
Coral Island and Stardew Valley
Yeah, I have heard it brought up as a good example but wasn't sure. I'll check it out.
Not sure what you mean about trying to lump them all together.
Yeah, exactly. The mainstream seems to be only to be able to depict abuse being kink.
The latest one is Babygirl (film) I've not seen it but based on the trailer it sure looked that way. I hope it isn't but I don't have high hopes of a mainstream film or other media ever depicting actually good consent and kinks beyond the ones most associated with the mainstream understanding of kink.
As for the abuse, this is exactly why you should stay away from people who:
- 'Figured it out' for themselves without any education from actual kink educators.
- Do not believe that the core of kink is respecting consent, boundaries and autonomy and that consent is revocable at any time.
- Do not practise good RACK: Risk Aware Consensual Kink.
Such people should be kept away from kink at all costs.
There is a kink education and discussion community if you'd like to post it there: !
Such a great series of games. Would be lovely if they released another, remasters and/or ports for PC.
It's not really like that. But we appreciate the advice.
Because in some cases developers cannot be bothered to click a single button to make it natively run on linux.