Any movie starring Rudolph Lundgren
I mean... It's one of the reasons I like it so much here.
Man... I don't.
This is the most dystopian thing I've read in years.I'm so sorry this has to be considered :(
As ridiculous as this movie was, I always thought that the trailer for Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace shouldn't have shown Darth Maul's double bladed lightsaber.
Re-spec. Leveling up instead of getting old.
Blue pill. Restarting with all my knowledge, I might end up not meeting my soulmate and not having my kid, because of randomness. I can't have that.
She had a good opportunity to abolish monarchy there...
"You look like you drop regular loot when eliminated".
What habits or tastes did you keep from your teenage years and that slightly ashame you as an adult?
I really... Really like Smirnoff Ice. I'm 44.
That's not just a supervisor that's a proper leader.
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joined 2 years ago
It went from suck to blow!