I mean, the only AAAA game, as called by Ubisofts CEO, was complete dogshit. So technically all AAAA games are bad :)
At this rate people should just cut the cord with google. Modifying reg files is almost as annoying as moving bookmarks over. Firefox + uBlock + pihole (if you’re feeling ambitious/want to block other crap that’s non-browser related) and you’re chillin.
In post Soviet Russia, Ukraine invades you
This rhetoric is so fucking dangerous. We’re sleep walking into a scary next few years.
Gobbless Gamers Nexus
salutes the GN flag
And it’s only 10x more useless :)
Man, what??? Try caring about fun and releasing a complete product at launch and people will buy the game. Palworld, BG3 and helldivers 2 aren’t pristine examples of completeness, but they aren’t trying to milk the ever living fuck out of their player base and appear to actually give a damn about fun. I’ve been over triple A games for like a decade now because of asshats like this guy, X^2 failed launches, and corporate greed.
This is why we don’t pre-order :/
I guess I’ll be up front with having zero interest in playing a GaaS game lol
I’ve found that relying on it is a mistake anyhow, the amount of incorrect information I’ve seen from chatgpt has been crazy. It’s not a bad thing to get started with it but it’s like reading a grade school kids homework, you need to proofread the heck out of it.
I’m about to start cutting everything lol. I’d rather be bored instead of buying another sub human CEO a fifth yacht. Bottom line go brr? Nah fam count me out.
Trump got that post nut clarity and realized he slept with Billy the puppet from saw lolol