Very much worthwhile. Pick up Slay the Spire while you're at it.
It's all porn. Always has been.
You know what, I am having a good day.
Tits Ginormous is my favourite clothes model. He does amazing work.
SUSE giga-Chad ✊
It's the Sun. No one should use their site. They're doing you a favour by showing you they're assholes the second you land on their site.
Damn that sounds rough. Sorry to hear.
What are your days like? What do you do with yourself? Does job hunting take up a lot of the day?
You're thinking of a PhD doctor. Medical doctors don't have to research or publish anything new.
Scientist in the UK wear surgical caps and carry stethoscopes? I guess doctors are a subcategory of scientists.
Responding to something printed by The Mirror? The Onion does more reliable reporting than these guys. If people are looking for outrageous stories to comment on then the UK has plenty of publications that shouldn't even be used as toilet paper.
It's no loss