[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 2 points 17 hours ago

That’s a novel approach to me, I like it thanks for sharing.

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Warhammer 1.6k mini

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 7 points 4 days ago

My “office” is a network of interconnected multi-story buildings. It’s actually really convenient for me to know if I need to go meet someone in person or just use video.

Sometimes we have a room booked ahead of time and I learn they are wfh when I get to the empty room.

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 49 points 3 weeks ago

I’m doing my part!

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 102 points 1 month ago

Maybe an alternate perspective, but I do a lot of interviews for technical roles like developers, product owners, architects, etc.

There’s often a perception that the role can be done isolated at a desk grinding on tasks, but that is often not the case. It’s easy to find people who will do task work, but really hard to find people who are capable communicators and empathizers with the people they will be working with. At the end of the day, we’re trying to fill the roles with someone who we can trust alone in a room with a customer, and not someone who will be alone in a room doing tasks.

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 107 points 1 month ago

That’s an awfully misleading situation. They state that her boyfriend’s gunshot caused her death, which I think most people would reasonably interpret to mean that her boyfriend shot her in the moment, but what they really mean is that if he hadn’t opened fire on police officers entering their home without prior warning, they wouldn’t have returned fire and killed her.

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 141 points 1 month ago

This is my biggest pet peeve. Password policies are largely mired in inaccurate conventional wisdom, even though we have good guidance docs from NIST on this.

Frustrating poor policy configs aside, this max length is a huge red flag, basically they are admitting that they store your password in plan text and aren’t hashing like they should be.

If a company tells you your password has a maximum length, they are untrustable with anything important.

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 72 points 1 month ago

Godspeed Ukraine.

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 95 points 1 month ago

Run. Be thankful you’re dodging this kind of relationship before you were further committed, because it can get SOOOO much worse.

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 81 points 1 month ago

Yeah if you go deep enough on an item there’s a good chance you’ll find that it was once something else.

Sellers don’t want to start over with reviews so they just take a retired product entry and change the pictures and item.

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 55 points 3 months ago

Ok pro tip for getting rid of your grease that doesn’t assume you have infinite containers lying around or make you wait forever for it to solidify.

Put a sheet of aluminum foil down over your drain so it creates a cup. Then pour your grease in that cup. Then drop an ice cube in if you feel like it.

Then just lift the edges and twist the top of your foil and put it in the trash.

[-] faltryka@lemmy.world 182 points 4 months ago

Yeah I am married to an autistic person and they think that they are being explicit and clear but are absolutely not. It harms their relationships all over the place and they are constantly thinking less of other people over it.

When you have this problem communicating with everyone, you’re the problem.

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