
joined 2 years ago

I'm not saying everything you're saying here is correct but, this is exactly how a lot of people I know feel. What the replies to your comments aren't understanding is that emotions are often stronger than facts. The average American has no idea how things work but they do know how they feel about them not working. That's the reason they all have no problem handing over all their data.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Hope you succeed!


Don't forget to check local for great resources on how to go the No Lawns route! Not everyone may have local resources but I was surprised to find out that my county has a natives program that has a guide on what and how to plant. Check your local city/county/State/provide/Etc to see if there's already some easy resources out there.

[–] 8 points 3 months ago

70% is pretty fantastic though

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

My big worry is actually just people using natives and non invasives.

[–] 6 points 6 months ago

Seeds are a good idea but I've had a lot better results starting them inside. I start them a week or two ahead of when they would start shooting up outside naturally.

I use a big tray with decent drainage, I moisten the soil first so it's an even moist through the whole thing, put down a layer of seeds on top, put a little bit of most soil over them, just enough to cover them, I put some plastic wrap or a plastic bag over it with some air holes, and let it sit somewhere warm with no direct sunlight for a week. I personally use a seed mat but I know people who put them on top of their fridge or other places that stay a little above 70°

As soon as they germinate you don't NEED the plastic wrap but you can keep it a little longer to keep the soil moist if you want. Once they're an inch or two tall, I divide it all up (if I'm not using a divided tray already) and go plant them in the garden.

This method works with just about anything you wanna plant. It helps to get things started and established inside where it's a controlled environment.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Is there a Homestar Lemmy? I'm missing this in my life.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Some people are squirrel handed! Gregor is a weird name.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

This is quoted in my house A LOT

[–] 9 points 6 months ago

I know there's a place that composts human remains and that's pretty cool!

[–] 16 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Funny how this works but yet I got diagnosed as an adult THEN my brother got diagnosed haha. We do everything backwards.


Guys, as the person who started no lawns on Reddit (and here) my yard is a disaster lol. I work outside all day and the last thing I want to do when I get home is yard work. That being said, I removed a bunch of invasives from my yard Monday and I'm working on a plan to tackle a corner of my yard the way I've always wanted to in NoLawns style with native plants. I'm always open to suggestions for the Chicago area!


If you're going to plant grass, make it native to your area, wildlife depends on it.


I've seen 2 new awesome resources pop up in the comments this week (I haven't added them to the list yet my personal life is chaos right now). I'd love to know if you guys have come across any other books, websites, videos etc that you find very useful and informative to add to the list.

Here is the current list of resources.

I'd love to get as many resources as possible outside the US.


Would love to see lists from all over the world!


So happy to see a Sims 2 sub!! I'm really hoping to see r/sims2help migrate over here at some point. Chances this community will include the link they have in their wiki to download the game?

Why native plants? (

Here's another link to Wild Ones explaining why to choose native plants over non natives.

What natives do you have growing?


I run a decent sized sub. I've noticed the last few days that all my sticky posts that say where else you can find us are getting mass reported. I usually have like 6 reports a week. I'm getting a report on every post made that gets the sticky all of a sudden. I just took the word "Lemmy" out and we'll see if that changes. Anyone else noticing something similar if you still have an account?


Obviously these plans aren't inclusive of the entire US but from what I understand they are working on adding even more garden plans to their list.

This can be beneficial if you live in any of these towns and would like to have a list or a plan for natives in your own yard and your don't know where to begin.

Pleasant Forever Habitat Seed Store (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Just sharing this link since everyone always loves American meadows so much. The only issue I take with them is they sell seed packs that are "native to your area" and some are not.

One of our Reddit mods has said he's had great luck with Pheasant Forever as a US based option who focuses on natives for habitat restoration.

I've never used them personally but I wanted to drop it as a link since I had never heard of them before.

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