Air Gradient. I bought their DIY kit.
Cheers, Henry.
Air Gradient. I bought their DIY kit.
Cheers, Henry.
Twitter just locked down, need an account to even view now. Reddit is filled with bots spamming posts from 5 years ago. People are flocking to wall-gardens like discord.
Might be the decline of the internet 🤷
3000hrs straight usage? That's impressive.
Hard Drivin'?
I want one of the stick shift arcade machines so bad.
Well, duh. That just means that 93-84% of Redditors are bots. Bots didn't know there was a shutdown, so those bots kept slamming reddit. So with that data I now can assume Reddit was only 7-16% human.
I think sometimes you need to either cut or tape the 5v pin on the usb cable. The ender 3s send out 5v instead of accepting. I had to do this on both my ender 3s.
Cheers Henry
As long as you follow the community rules and abide by the licenses that the creators selected. Time and time again I see in local groups people selling others works. It's not cool to steal an STL and sell it if the creators license forbids it.
With that said, if you created and designed all your own, go for it!
I get it, it sucks. Saving sucks too.
Keep an eye out for deals and freebies, especially locally. I've seen Ender 3s go for $50 and sometimes free when the user gets frustrated.
Don't give up, save those pennies and keep hunting for deals.
Easily the worst episode in the entire show. My partner stopped it half way through and said, this makes no sense. They would send replicas out into space, not humans.
I agree. Charlie fucked up, this is just bad writing.
Both for sure. Maybe if the community grows beyond one Lemmy, then sure we can. But any 3d printing is welcome here!
This is the right answer. You're hot end is pulling tight and causing this skew.