People need to stop glorifying those who ignore evacuation orders and get lucky. For all those you hear about getting lucky there's a bunch that cause issues, get in the way, and take resources away from fighting the fires.
I don't want to share the great lakes with USA. Let's compromise and take the rust belt. There won't be enough of them to cause too much issues. Plus then we can get Chicago and Philly too.
*except not if it's more like a house and if the landlord is renting only a small number of properties (don't remember exact wording)
Oh, honey, oh no
All of the fires are :(
While the palisades fire is showing a lot of very rich folks that their money doesn't make them immune to fire, there are a lot of relatively regular people who were barely hanging on to their homes in a very expensive area who lost everything and could be financially ruined forever.
Don't get me wrong, vanishinlgy few of those in the palisades were poor before the fire. But a lot could be now if they were uninsured or if their insurance fucks them over.
There's a bunch of apartment buildings in the area that burned down too. Families who were protected by rent control lost their apartment and now where do they go?
There are so many good arguments against capitalism, why make such a terrible one full of holes, lies, and fallacies?
I mostly agree with you, especially point (1), but what are you talking about with "Hamas did genocide on Isreal last year"? They did a terror attack for sure, but that's not genocide. Wiping out significant percentage of a population because of their ethnicity or culture is genocide (see what Isreal is doing in Gaza) and it takes months to years.
[insert article about how onlympic athletes are tragically underpaid and most struggle]
Article is nearly 10 years old.
Article contains no studies or surveys showing this result.
The 50% figure is calculated by assuming a paltry annual raise and consistent large pay bumps by switching companies.
It's redundant because there's basically a circular argument that G and C are using to not respond to the workers. Workers want to C negotiate with G on the terms of their work with G but C says they can't because they're just contracting with G. Then G says the workers can't negotiate with G because they work for C. Both companies point the finger at the other as to why they can't help and just give nothing back to the workers.
This is a sign that there are extremely right safety standards and lots of oversight. The amount of documentation needed for all aerospace parts means it is quite difficult to falsify records for long without getting caught. The fact that any of these types of event are big news and often result in arrests should help you be confident that the standards are real and enforced. There will always be bad actors, and finding them like this is part of reality. Just look at the safety record of commercial aviation to see proof that the system is working.