So I guess "kill pootler and regime change russia" isn't political violence?
Is it working? Yes. Are they going to stop the blockade? No.
I love the idea of Ukraine, one of the biggest and most corrupt kleptocracies on earth, being "lawful". Also all 3 "good" alignments are colonial countries responsible for some... ummm... notable genocides. I cannot think of a single way in which Isn'treal is conceivably neutral; likely one of the most polarized "states" to ever exist. 10/10 gamerbrain waste of biomass.
Ancient Masculinity
Cool. Lets talk about hygiene in ancient times. Before makeup, shampoo, toothpaste and modern concepts of "femininity" existed.
Current Ukrainian losses are over 2000/day; which would mean that a reluctant, frightened, untrained conscript army of 18-60 year old men who often lack ordinance and working armor are somehow smoking 12000 Russians a day. Some of the rubes may buy that shit, but no state intelligence is going to take that for truth. Ukrainians know it's bullshit. Who is he even trying to lie to?
Not really the same thing, my guy. The US puppet regime in the south keeps sending propaganda carried by balloons north into the DPRK telling them to give up on having a sovereign country. Some of the DPRK citizens have gotten sick of that bullshit and have been returning the favor.
Whereas Isn'treal is actively dropping white phosphorus bombs on civilians in south Lebanon and telling them (in multiple ways, including these balloons) to leave their homes so zionists can steal and colonize their land.
waiting for the "there are no civilians in Lebanon" to drop
It's overpopulated when the west talks about Africa, India, China, Mexico and the poors. It's underpopulated when it talks about suburban white people who buy iphones.
Damn dude, your ass sure hasn't been paying attention...
Not to be confused with Multi-Level-Marxism
When the first, what, ~10(?) small trucks/day crossed the pier and didn't even make it into Gaza, it was pretty obvious to everyone the military didn't spend over $300 million to help a fucking thing. My most cynical take was this would be used by the IOF as a military asset. Being right feels shit.
Amerikkka always be like