Throws a Kelvinverse boxed set at Pippen.
Boss makes a bar, I make a strip.
I’m not sure that’s something you want to be bragging about, given some of the things the Israeli government has done recently.
I love how, despite Musk’s best efforts, 3/4 of the internet still calls the site Twitter.
Man is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He doesn’t want to make this election a referendum on abortion, because as we’ve seen in ballot measures in the past two years, he can’t win that fight. However, his base won’t accept anything but a hardline stance. Must suck to be him, couldn’t happen to a worse person.
Air BnB is destroying the housing market in my area. That said, it’s exposing a demand for something that doesn’t otherwise exist. In addition to hotels, people also want to be able to rent larger spaces, with a kitchen so they don’t have to eat out every night, and multiple bedrooms so the adults don’t have to go to bed at the same time as the kids. Hotel developers should be taking notes.
The last 747-400 passenger plane rolled off the production line in 2005. This is either going to be a maintenance issue or the engine ingesting debris or a bird, not faulty construction. Boeing doesn’t even make the engines, it’s either GE, Pratt & Whitney, or Rolls Royce, depending on the original owner’s preference.
Why does Broke Don keep getting special treatment?
The airlines can end this practice pretty quick by charging less for a direct flight to the connecting city than they do for a two-legged flight though it. We prohibited the railroads from doing this sort of thing back in 1887 with the Interstate Commerce Act.
At least. If you work an 8 hour day, a 0.5 hour commute each way adds an extra 12.5% to work time commitment each day, and it’s considered unpaid time.
They’d guys are developers. Maybe have someone code review your malicious code before you push it to production.