I would say that for just file sync nextcloud is over kill, but I have invested a lot of time into getting my nextcloud install rock solid. Upgrades are painless and am about to move it to a new host.

So use it for file sync, including backups from things. Calendar & contact sync, RSS reader, kanboard, photo sync and more.

[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 7 points 2 days ago

can recommend Nextcloud, we have used it as we cant move PID outside of the UK. Also there is a Nextcloud all in one setup that will get you a fully working Files/Office/whiteboard suite

[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 1 points 5 days ago

I do this too, with Pi Hole as well.

[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 12 points 6 days ago

I once got smoked trout as a Christmas bonus, the year before that a 250g bag of coffee.

Now I work for a company that looks after it's employees, we had pizza like 3 times just before Christmas. One order was for about 50 pizzas for about 80 staff

merry Christmas to one and all (lemmy.horwood.cloud)

Hello 👋

I have Shinobi running with 6 cameras connected, 2 are unifi things and 4 are Reolink Duo 2 PoE.

The 2 unifi cameras record on motion fine, but the Reolink cameras dont seem to record much at all.

Has anyone used the Reolink Duo 2 with Shinobi and do you have them recording motion only?

[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 39 points 2 months ago

Me a user: hello, heres some money Me the admin: hi, thanks 👍


So we only have our camper and we have things in it all the time, but not enough to stop thing rolling about.

Do you use your camper more then for camping and if so how do you stop things moving about?


Please don’t be scared; it is October, Halloween is coming, and so is the next Home Assistant release: 2024.10! 🎃

[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 39 points 4 months ago

Thats amazing, I would take her to bed for that

My Van (lemmy.horwood.cloud)
[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 40 points 5 months ago

have you seen https://meshtastic.org/, going to look into some devices as a backup


#What's Changed

  • Fix subscribed feed paging not working by @MV-GH in #1597

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[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 99 points 6 months ago

I leave my servers running 24/7, thats the point of a server. Also my home automation would be a little pointless if its off.

I did have a UPS, but it died and I have got round to replacing it.

Its all horses for courses, if your homelab is a playground to test things out then turning it off when not is use is fine. But some have live services that you may want at a moments notice and there for having it up all the time is better.

National Trust - White Mill, UK (lemmy.horwood.cloud)
we got our van back (lemmy.horwood.cloud)

We got our van back after a 6 month repair, it great

sunset at Minehead (lemmy.horwood.cloud)
Minehead (lemmy.horwood.cloud)
[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 44 points 8 months ago

Linux has been ready for ARM for a long time, Android is linux and have been running for a long time. Also see the Raspberry Pi and PiOS, based on Debian.

I run a Pi and there are boat loads of things ARM ready

[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 120 points 10 months ago

me remembering I caused an outage yesterday by deleting nginx config 🤦‍♂️

[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 33 points 11 months ago

I think your missing the point of HAOS, it's an appliance. You don't manage it like a normal self host system.

Once you treat it as an appliance, it's great. Also there is a portainer agent you can run that will connect to a portainer instance.

As for your tunnel issues, maybe the tunnel thing is your biggest issue. I run all my self host stuff on its own subdomain, if I want to route something home I use the site to site VPN I have. Even a cheap ovh vps could be a way to run stuff on subdomains

[-] mhzawadi@lemmy.horwood.cloud 96 points 1 year ago

that looks to be almost all steaming services adding an ad-supported option, you now pay to not have ads.

Back to the high sea's to watch anything then

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joined 2 years ago