it's not because i think it's a protest. im not that stupid. i simply hate getting stuck in situations with goddann robots
community notes is the best thing post-musk twitter ever did and i hope the idea spreads to other platforms
my favorite holidays past time is driving around suburban america sloshing nativity scene baby jesus with gallons of putrid blood
i wish they would both be buried in lawsuits. companies that act like this are detrimental
they probably wanted the 10k
to run some tv ads? nice
oh my god they got another one
I wish to avoid any and all companies which do not have actual customer service, but I don't know if this is possible without spending a lot of extra money.
how would releasing his name vs "we know who it is" give any amount of edge to the guy? do they really think this guy is dumb enough to be complacent? im sure he's doing 100% of his best effort to remain as lucky as possible and have the best chances of making it onto a container ship headed for cambodia or whatever.
Bandcamp? works good in a browser and supports artists the most
a mass movement of 3d printed felonies