Back when I came into the office every day, it was a 45-minute commute. At least one day every week, I had no active memory of getting from the north side of the beltway to my house (about 20-25 minutes). I'd reach this point, and it was like someone flipped a switch, and I became aware that I existed.
I've done this with Audio Books. I've listened to 2-3 chapters, and they'll mention an assassin; Brain goes, wait, assassin? WHAT ASSASSIN? I start rolling back find out I completely tuned out 20 minutes of the story.
But then you bake REALLY regularly, and you don't follow recipes anymore. I know exactly what the doughs and batters look like and how they pour. I know how adding sugar and water will loosen up the batter. I know exactly how the pizza flower should ocillate between the dough hook and the walls of the bowl.
It's like this bell curve of measuring