I think I would still recommend this distro today because imho it's very usable if you've never used linux before and it is in my experience very stable and compatible
(although i use arch now btw, i would probably never recommend it as a beginner distro)
where screenshot of minecraft biome?
Nett hier.
Es gibt Erklärvideos auf Wikipedia?
*whispers* I stole that signature from cryptostorms warrant canary: https://cryptostorm.is/canary.txt
Yeah, you're right. Who thought that it was a good idea to name two things that mean a similar thing PGP and GPG? It is so easy to use the wrong one..
followed by happieness because you found it on some .ru subdomain with 99% ads
... verbietet Gendersprache in Bayern
Also ist das Wichteln in Zweiergruppen? Ich dachte eher an einen Kreis, wo jeder dem nächsten was gibt