[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 8 points 1 day ago

There are plenty of religious people that lump all sex outside of marriage into the same bucket. The two categories are "sanctioned by god," and "not sanctioned by god".

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 7 points 2 days ago

So to fix that all they need to do is endanger some trees? Seems easy enough to fix.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 19 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Who actually pulled the trigger? Who paid to go trophy hunting? Who paid so much to go trophy hunting that it counter balances all of the funds that would come from tourism and preservation organizations?

Also, half the article that discusses support for trophy hunting still doesn't explain why this specific occurrence was allowed, even if all of the general justification are both valid and reasonable.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 19 points 6 days ago

To be fair, that thing could wreck her face if it got defensive (or hungry they'll happily eat whatever if it's small and accessible) and went for a chomp.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 28 points 6 days ago

How about a world without microplastic?

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 135 points 1 month ago

Drop everything

... and? Panic? Die?

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 129 points 1 month ago

But don't you know, you can't tax the wealthy, they'll just leave! It'll never work, and you'll never get more income.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 112 points 4 months ago

If she was rich, the response would be, "congratulations!", and if she was an LLC it would be a fine of... 5 percent?

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 147 points 4 months ago

The comments from the article were surprisingly not bad. One made a good point:

The POTUS started his SotU speech with:

“Now it is we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the Union. And yes, my purpose tonight is to both wake up this Congress, and alert the American people that this is no ordinary moment either. Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today.”

I have watched a lot of state of the union addresses and I cannot remember one that began with this stark of warning.

Yet, all the articles being posted are about MTG and whether Biden looked/didn’t look old and who clapped and who didn’t.

That’s a 5-alarm fire bell he just rang, broadcasted out to the entire country and world, pay attention to what’s important

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 186 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Hopefully we stop wasting this limited resource on fucking balloons.

Edit: well this kicked off a fun and respectful conversation. The information I can find from actual scientists says wasting helium on balloons is bad. The balloon lobby says it is just a waste byproduct. The balloon lobby brings nothing of value to the world in terms of plastic or helium use, so I'm going to go with the science opinion on this one.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 161 points 5 months ago

What fight? Google is making money, and nearly everyone is playing Google's game following their tune. Google is definitely not losing.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 191 points 10 months ago

Key point not in the article headline but in the article itself: they unionized 2 weeks earlier.

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