
joined 2 years ago
[–] squidsarefriends@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago

In the iOS Appstore you can see which data they want to obtain.


Edit: Thank you guys for your insightful answers!

[–] squidsarefriends@feddit.de 2 points 2 years ago

Du wirkst schlau! Kann man hier jemanden folgen?


Hatte der eine einen Goldzahn?

[–] squidsarefriends@feddit.de 7 points 2 years ago

World of Warcraft Classic. You start as a no one. Everybody around you seems to know what to do. Your items are shit. You look like a peasant. The silliest enemies force you to rest and are able to kill you.

It‘s challenging but so rewarding. It makes you feel grateful for every single lvlup, item and skill you can get.

Even after spending literal days of your life, there always will be people who are better than you. Everything is said and done. Still this game manages to pull me back in from time to time. It’s so much fun.

[–] squidsarefriends@feddit.de 5 points 2 years ago
  • You‘re bluffing (competitive auction/bluffing/set collection)
  • Bohnanza (competitive trading)
  • The Crew (cooperative trick taking)
  • Hanabi (cooperative set collection)
[–] squidsarefriends@feddit.de 16 points 2 years ago


[–] squidsarefriends@feddit.de 64 points 2 years ago (3 children)

The more there is known about you, the easier you are to be manipulated.

If you read George Orwell‘s 1984 or watch the Cambridge Analytica documentary on Netflix you get an idea.

[–] squidsarefriends@feddit.de 8 points 2 years ago (1 children)

„dIe AmPeL“

Man sollte schon die entsprechenden Parteien nennen.

Das Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV) versicherte gegenüber der FAZ, man werde kein Finanzproblem haben und die zentralen Projekte seien finanziert.

FDP, die Partei, die sich regelmäßig (vor der Bundestagswahl) als jung, innovativ, digital darstellt.

Das Bundesfinanzministerium verweist laut Bericht darauf, dass die Ressorts grundsätzlich frei in ihren Ausgaben seien.


Das Innenministerium bestätigt, dass 2024 keine neuen Mittel für das Onlinezugangsgesetz vorgesehen sind. Stattdessen nutze man "Ausgabereste".


[–] squidsarefriends@feddit.de 28 points 2 years ago

DiE gRüNeN sInD dEr hAuPtGegNer


[–] squidsarefriends@feddit.de 15 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Ein Mal im Jahr mindestens sollte in den Medien, insbesondere den Öffentlich-Rechtlichen, rauf und runter laufen:

  • Wer
  • wie viel
  • an wen genau

gespendet hat. Dazu sollte gezeigt werden, wie diese Personen genau

  • an den Formulierungen von Gesetzen beteiligt war
  • und wie sie über Gesetze mit spendennahem Thema abgestimmt hat.

Bei der Gelegenheit: Unterstützt Lobby Control.


My children are interested in making their own soap. I bought one basic piece of white soap and I have cocoa powder. I plan to melt and mix them slowly. Am I doing this right?

(I don’t know if their interest holds up, so I don’t want to buy shea butter, oils, tools, colors… and all that stuff, yet. I’m just looking for the easiest way possible.)


How do you call these games that let you macro-manage people/creatures/processes and you can watch your engine run?

Examples are Rimworld, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Factorio.

I don’t like fast action-based RTS, micromanaging games, I just love to create a world and watch it running on it‘s own!

Is there a specific name for this mechanic? And what are your favorite examples?


What is your opinion on these games?

Race for the Galaxy seems to be the original game, that deserves it‘s praise. But do you still think it‘s good by today‘s standards?

How does it compare to Roll for the Galaxy? Is the latter a more approachable version but lacks depth, like more beginner friendly dice versions of other games?

But that seems to be the case for Jump Drive, right? So far, this one looks like a family friendly approach, while still being awesome enough for more experienced players.

But then there‘s New Frontiers from Lehmann, another space themed game! This one looks a bit like an easy 3.5X game, right? Looking back, do you think all of them are worth buying? If you had to choose only one, which one would it be?


r/brettspiele war zwar nie soo aktiv, aber dennoch immer spannend und deshalb würde ich mich über eine Alternative hier freuen! (Mastodon und Discord sind mir einfach zu schnelllebig und unübersichtlich.)

Sehe ich das richtig, dass es diese Instanz hier noch nicht gibt?

Leider besitze ich keinen Server (den bräuchte ich, um selbst eine zu eröffnen, soweit ich das verstanden habe).

Wie sollte ich nun am besten vorgehen?

  • The Expert: You buy board games as often and as many as you can. You play them alone or with friends. It‘s your favorite hobby.

  • The Collector: You buy way too many games, but actually play only a handful of them.

  • The Hermit: Your prefered way of playing is playing alone.

  • The Specialist: You own a specific but small collection of games, carefully curated for every opportunity, heavy games included.

  • The Casual: You play from time to time with friends, enjoy it, but you are just getting started.

I want to get to know you better! Have I missed a kind of gamer here?

(English is my 2nd language, sorry for my mistakes.)

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