
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Fair enough . Poor choice of petty insult on my part. I’ll stick to calling him a Nationalist since he calls himself that. And a rascist, which he is exposing himself as openly. A dangerous combination in politics, and yes, hateful. We are in agreement on all of that.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yikes I forgot some think of Nationalism as a good thing…

I know the Greens have a host of colourful and strange members, but if you want to take on New Zealand's Nationalist party... return fire will happened

I guess NZ Fist being Nationalist is non controversial but I still find it a disturbing statement when spewed out so brazenly like that. What a complete circus buffoon.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Very good question.

[–] 29 points 1 month ago (9 children)

Non American , and non brit here. Why is this waste of energy so interested in the UK and Europe now ? I know there will be plenty of cynical takes which I will probably endorse however I’m interested in what his actual motivation might be. Does he just want parties in power in the given country that he has influence over for the sake of legislative advantage for his businesses? Or is it trollconomics for sake of driving signups to his failing social network I forget the name of?

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Indeed. Might be worth mentioning Lobbying is not limited to corporations of course, but special interest groups, advocacy etc. No fear for those groups having their work on public record along with the corpos and who they met with, assuming nothing nefarious is going on. The more out in the open the better.

I’m a fan of more civics education as well.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

KiaOra, mind pointing me in the direction of that research if anything is available?

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

wtf. I’m glad I won the lottery with where I was born. But saying that, it has to be a constant struggle to prevent that dystopia anywhere. Not luck. Were the shots required for visas? Did you look into the price difference getting them at your destination? - more out of curiosity . $200nzd is the highest price I could find for full dose here in NZ - and thats private (not publicly funded). Approx 100usd. Some of your others would be free. I’m guessing you’re not coming to NZ though so not questioning your choice to vax for whats required at destination - sensible. Just the absolute scam world you poor Americans have to live with. We are all headed there if we aren't careful, and keep our wits.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I’m a non dev and non IT worker but found myself using warp the last year on mac and linux kde for home things and work. I really like it particularly its history per tab and various intuitive usability things like click and drag to select text , copy pasteetc. The login requirement did creep me out, as well as the AI things I’m not using. I don’t trust businesses going in these directions. Anyone recommended another terminal cross platform (not that important i guess) and good for a non uber techie like me?

Edit: apologies I hadn't seen the earlier comment thread but perhaps my requirement mentions will produce some interesting replies.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

Its hideous but it isn't new. We just had a period of blissfull ignorance when it was less acceptable to be a rascist coloniser i.e we made some progress , but they were still there simmering in their own filth. Passively aggressively holding in. They've wriggled back out of the cracks emboldened by this mini Trumpist dweeb and possibly by comparable events elsewhere, enabled by spineless reactionary slugs in their coalition (National) that'll agree with whatever ends up being popular - they have no actual value system, beyond following the orders of their political donors. Hatred and division is also the default business model in this phase of the info age. Engagement.

But that may be reducing how serious this could be. I still think these types are a large element of this country , maybe even a majority have a streak of this tendency, so what we have is an ideological clash over what we want this place to be or what to base it on. They want to wind the clock back to their romantic idea of a rosey (non-existent) past. Perhaps it relieves some pent up pressure to have a hopefully short period of this (dangerous to assume though), so making the statement and pushing back as with the hikoi is so important to ensure we dont end up back in a bland homogenous faceless outpost of a dead colony. The mindset is so pervasive, the tendency is quite possibly genetic in us descendants of colonisers and very similar psychology occurs in other European colonies.

Take your pick, especially in those where settlers outnumber the Tangata Whenua. We’ve inherited a hospital pass from hell, but the solutions are so easy beginning with respecting where we are in the world, who’s space we have been allowed to share, and a partnership that was entered into. But most important Looking inward to recognise these tendencies. Self reflection may be beyond these shrivelled slime dwellers though. Theyre like wild animals lashing out when they have everything they need and none of what they perceive is of any threat to their comfortable lifestyles whatsoever. On the contrary, their own attitude is what risks what they have already and theyre being used as cannon fodder for someone else's benefit just like original settlers funnily enough.

Also its tempting to frame it as generational, hopefully it is, but things can wind back, so hoping we will grow out of it will not be enough.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

A global look at Short form video as the latest trend in mass misinformation campaigns, including which interest groups, or states conduct them and who they contract (from large scale to possibly unwitting small creators) to produce and post it. How it developed from prior trends, and where it might go next. Perhaps not particularly controversial (in the true sense of the word), but geopolitically worth looking at and discussing more in imo. Of course a privacy and security focus on this is very much integral to the issue by default. How the existing business models around the data involved (harvesting , auctioning etc) might play into this already , and in the years to come. As well as how other business is implicated. Good old “Follow the money” I guess .

[–] 6 points 2 months ago

According to police records, there have been 19 incidents of indiscriminate violence in China this year in which the perpetrator was not known to the victims. Sixty-three people have been killed and 166 injured in these attacks. This is a sharp increase on previous years - 16 killed and 40 injured in 2023, for instance. While the incidents are still sporadic and rare, they are high-profile. And the videos that often circulate soon after on social media have prompted concern and fear among people. "These are symptoms of a society with a lot of pent-up grievances," Lynette Ong, distinguished professor of Chinese politics at Canada's University of Toronto, told AFP. "Some people resort to giving up. Others, if they're angry, want to take revenge." A slowing economy, high youth unemployment and a property crisis that has hurt savings have led to increasing uncertainty about the future among Chinese people.

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