And good people argue how adblock and sponssrblock are fair game for your shitty company practices
Remember a story a teacher told the class where it looked like a student had fallen asleep so she got her friend to try to wake her up but then a pool of blood starting leaking out of her arms
Turns out she had a nose bleed and went unconscious after trying to hide said nose bleed instead of telling the teacher
Australia btw
Streisand effect
Never heard of this app until now
I'm currently sleep deprived and thought they where working as a computer server for a second
Gimp still isn't an effective competitor
It needs gui rework from a UI designer and is still lacking in features that creatives use
Blender is amazing though
Krita is a great program for art but I wish they'd implement full vector functionality
Just a reminder
It's fucked up that anyone can do this and ruin a person's life
This image is oddly giving me major gender envy
The year can be easily checked online and you usually keep your phone besides you on the night stand
The entire rest of the world needs to be on watch, trump is a potential threat to other countries