submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by DiaMatEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

If forced to I would change the mind and hearts on neolib/fascist politicians. Maybe giving trump some communist powers wouldn't be so bad?


Just as the Title says, i really suck at buuilding conversation, i've had a crush on this girl for 2 years now and i was talking with her (5 minutes ago, she's also a communist and is awesome) and i literally ran away after 5 minutes because i've felt like i've had nothing better to say. Fuck my life, did make her agree to watch Doctor Who and One Piece together though ( Not a date, just really want to be friends with her and not ruin this friendship at all). Anyway, what am i supposed to do to get better at holding conversations though ??

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by VictimOfAmerikkka@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

Every time I talk to my dad, I argue a lot with him because he is pro-empire and even says fascist stuff.


My sleep is really shitty lately so I need some advice to sleep faster. I am considering not being on the phone later at 9:00


Because the Philippine government is run by complete morons, jobs here have shit pay and a house costs more than 1 million pesos ($20,000)


In case anyone was wondering what to get me for Xmas…hint hint😂 /s

I got a keyboard (lemmygrad.ml)

I reluctantly took lessons when I was little. I still remember stuff like C scale and for the most part how to read sheet music. Any advice for picking it up again? I mostly want to play rock music on my own.

foss survey service (lemmygrad.ml)

The local group I organize with, recently migrated from telegram to signal. Unfortunately signal lacks the survey feature we use to vote on urgent and non critical stuff we can safely do online.

Can anyone recommend a good service to use for surveys?


It's no surprise that content farms are ruining social media, especially given search algorithms are practically rigged for them.

Is Gen Alpha cooked? (lemmygrad.ml)


submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by eraj344@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

Hiya, you might know me for my spellings using KKK and SS, and yes, I stand by what I say, but I want to talk about something.

Well, I have a sister (I will not reveal names for my and her privacy.) and she is actually a suKKKdem who supported Corbyn and who's not keen on SStarmer, but will vote to "keep the tories out." We live in TERF Island (that's all you'll know, and even the thought of it is actually bad, I wanna move to Cuba because of how bad it is here,) but she lives in another city from me, so we only see each other a few times a year. Thankfully, she supports Palestine, but unfortunately doesn't like China, Russia etc. (I critically support Russia, Iran, Syria even though they're bad on LGBTQ+ rights.)

Well, what's really bothering me is that she also happens to be an immigration officer for my country, and it bothers me since I don't like the laws for immigration and she said she doesn't like the laws too (don't get me started on the Rwanda law that the TorieSS are bringing in.) Despite that, I don't want to argue a lot (I am a hothead at times,) but it really like hurts inside because she's my sister, and I support Communism. I love her because she's my family, but it's conflicting. Am I sounding ridiculous?

Sorry about my words.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/4925558

So, back when I was a social-democrat slightly intrigued by communism I tried to listen to "both sides" to form my opinion and so I looked for videos from both communists and anti-communists. Out of the few things I watched I retained mostly, "Debunking every anti-communist argument ever" by spooky scary socialist on the pro-communist side and this series of 3 videos on the anti-communist side:

Marx, responsable des goulags ? La lutte des classes

Critique de la lutte des classes selon Karl Marx

Critique de l'économie selon Karl Marx

Those 3 struck me as relatively convincing at the time (I knew nothing about Marxism whatsoever back then).

Recently, seeing recommended videos from this channel made me look back and wonder how I would see these same videos now as a Marxist-Leninist and after procrastinating it for months I finally decided to re-watch them. And low and behold, they are dumb.

The youtuber makes a big show of explaining his bare minimum knowledge and shaky comprehension of Marx's writings which makes it looks like he know what he's talking about to the uninitiated but it's really mainly the old anti-communist drivel: denying class struggle and the labor theory of value, pretending that communists want a perfect utopia and say "that wasn't real communism" when AES are brought up, pretending that Marx was an accelerationist, etc...

I would be interested in having other MLs opinions on this brainrot, especially since for better or for worst it has been part of my political evolution.


Commentary channels have a problems (saying this as a commentary yter lol) mainly NPC behavior like parroting whatever narratives are popular, not pushing back against reactionaries and other losers harassing the folks they talk about, and trend cycles making them do the same video over and over again.

The whole Jellybean Debacle from 2022 perfectly highlights this exact problem because not enough folks were pushing back against folks harassing them.


If you set a URL outside of Lemmygrad as an image, it no longer hotlinks the image.


Error Message: {"data":{"files":null,"msg":"ffprobe Failed with exit status: 1"},"state":"success"}

I use Firefox on PC. I tried turning off add-ons. I've tried through Opera too.

I'm trying to upload memes on DankLeft. I am uploading from my computer.


Remember this post (tl;dr: did an A2 Russian language examination after nothing more than Duolingo lessons for two years)? Well, I passed the tests! Performed kind of poorly in the essay, as expected, but still well enough not to hurt my overall score; spoken test went fine (to my surprise), as did the comprehension tests.


There are subs like /r/roastme where people post pictures of themselves then other users roast them.

Roasting seems to involve saying mean things. The jokes are usually about alleged abandonment by their fathers, or fat jokes, or some other joke targeting their appearance.

The thing is I love comedy. I take comedy very seriously. I don't take myself very seriously but cheap jokes like these are something that I don't find funny but that could just be due to quirks in my sense of humour.

Then there is the whole assymetrical nature of the ordeal. The roasters are anonymous so the roastee cannot retaliate with a comedic roast of their own but that could also just be the nature of what a roast is.

In the end I just find it something that is not only unnecessarily mean but also not funny. But it is something that the roastee's volunteer to so I don't find it rage inducing.

What do you all make of roasting?


Example: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/4856206 (Pamphletz not only reveals himself to be patsoc but believes Marxism is Catholic)

Jaysus wept... can they not spill their beans?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

Sorry if some sentences will be potentially incomprehensible, because I'm to pissed of rn.

Why does Chrome don't stop with updates? They're trying to force this new shitty UI onto us for more than half a year, there was always a way to solve this and to turn it off, but with every update they get rid of previous solution by purpose and currently no one has found a way to revert to the old one since few days ago. There is no option currently, so I was forced to literally downgrade it, but guess what, every time I turn off the computer and on it the next time, Chrome automatically updates yet again and I have to downgrade it again every single time and don't know how to stop the updates for good, but THERE'S MORE! Adblock doesn't work on the downgraded version for some reason so I have to endure the adds now. People complain constantly about this and demand for option to return to the old UI, but they refuse to stop this and continue forcing this shit.

This is the most atrocious stuff I endured from Google Chrome in years, there were shitty updates for YouTube especially but nothing made it completely unusable and forced upon us like this, this is atrocious. And not to mention constant useless updates unnecessary changing random small irrelevant shit like the look of random buttons etc. Not to mention constant YouTube updates every few weeks for years that lasted until last year while we're at it, I just get barely used to newest update and then new bullshit comes: design of sorting 3 videos in a row instead of 4 or 5 and then seeing only 6 videos with big ass thumbnails covering the whole screen when you open the main page recommended, design of like, dislike, subscribe, date, description buttons etc under videos, again with big ass icons. When that was happening I just got used to past 2020 YT design and they did that.

And no, I can't switch browser because I'm used to Chrome my entire life and spent like few hours max on all the others combined in total. Why can't I simply use 2016-2017ish Google Chrome and YT design(the one I'm most used to) for example and be left alone? Simply choose no updates, piss off, don't bother me and done.

This is terrorism and harassment of users.


In a total non biased moment I chose Belgium in the prediction with my friends.

Also, one of my friends used AI to fill in his scores for him and he is currently on top together with me. I have to beat the machine.

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