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Canada is not the US's hat. The US is Canada's pants.

founded 4 years ago
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

On election day, NDP led in 46 districts, the Cons in 45 and the Greens in 2. NDP need 47 seats for a majority - but even with the current seats they can rule with the Greens as a minority.

Today, recounts started and will go on till Monday. After the first count at 1 PM Pacific, NDP lead grew in two district and they closed in on the Cons in one district. If this pattern holds, they might have a majority.

Too soon to say, but it is more likely now that it was a couple hours ago. Next recount update is at 4 PM Pacific.

I know this is very electoralism-heavy and might not matter to people outside the province/country. But this has been on my mind constantly for the past week.

The entire election has been a fiasco. The BC NDP, which is a neoliberal party way more right-wing than the federal NDP, shifted even more to the right during this campaign. I’m not going into everything they did, but it was bad. The Greens, in response, became a true left wing party. The Cons, which were a non-entity sprung up out of nowhere as a true force - a shame they are literally an alt-right and fascist one - anti-science, anti-homeless, anti-abortion, anti-indigenous, anti-immigration, anti-climate etc etc. If they wasn’t enough, the Liberals, which were the province’s traditional opposition party completely collapsed and folded into that Cons giving them massive support.

Just…fucking incredible.

The Greens won two seats but their leader lost hers. To me, an NDP minority propped up by the Greens would seem like a good outcome. But the way things have shaken out so far, a couple by-elections and the Cons could come into power.

So these late counts giving the NDP a more secure footing seems a good thing. Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can weight in, though.


A government-funded monument to some of World War II’s worst villains leads us to trace the history of Holocaust revisionism and anti-communist terrorism at the heart of Canada (small country north of USA).

Featuring Dan Boeckner:

Previously: Episode 101: OUN-BAD:

Release date: 23 October 2024

30 min preview of this episode is available on TA's sound cloud

Full episode is paywalled at their patreon.

If you want more of a taste before you buy, here is an alternative 🏴‍☠️ feed courtesy It has the full episodes.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

summer-fall 2024 theme is posts, poles, tubes exclusively

go vegan 4 Regan

Jesus is coming soon

arm trans fems

~~It isn't letting me upload the rest.~~ Able to upload a few more but am still being limited. is tired of my bullshit.


Accusation comes around 20min

Libs are conflicted because the accuser is conservative (and therefore a putlerite chaos agent), but Pugliese has previously reported on topics that are verboten / synonymous with Kremlin disinfomatskaya influence ops amongst hitlerite canadian liberals (Freelands nazism, "victims" of communism memorial boondoggle, gov psyops on civilians)

Pugliese's writing


40 seats counted for both the NDP (mildly social democrat) and the ~~Q Anon~~ BC Conservative Party. NDP leads in 6, BCCP leads in 5. 47 needed for a majority government.

For some fucking reason the "final count" isn't going to happen until this weekend agony-consuming .

There's reason for cautious optimism, as the NDP has always performed better with mail-in / absentee ballots than on election night, analysis here.

However, in that article, buddy crunches the numbers and concludes it's unlikely going to be enough to flip any close conservative ridings (such as Kelowna Centre, which BCCP astonishingly only won by ~150 votes). ALSO however, Juan de Fuca was only taken by NDP with 20 FUCKING VOTES.

There's an average of ~500 mail-in absentee ballots per riding to count this weekend.

So, all week my family is wondering whether or not our kid is going to learn about climate change in school or not, or whether we're going to be governed by a party with people who post Q Anon tier shit-post memes to Facebook and said that (CW: racism)

spoilerPalestinians are inbred.

The Greens (who won two seats) have said they're likely willing to prop up the NDP with a supply-and-confidence agreement (as they did after the 2017 election) but nobody can make an actual decision until we know if any of these close seats are going to flip to another party this weekend.


at risk of doxing myself I know a fair number of white people in Canada and there are quite a few roundabout discussions of Indian immigration.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

unfortunately the xcancel link doesn't seem to include a video


It says he experienced "discrimination, retaliatory measures, abuse of rights, serious negligence and numerous violations of his rights … after having reported to his chain of command, the execution of Afghan civilians by members of his unit and by members of a foreign government agency."

A report stemming from the inquiries concluded Canadian soldiers did nothing criminal in Afghanistan. However, it acknowledged that they may have witnessed war crimes committed by coalition troops from other countries. A heavily redacted version of the report was made public in 2018.



Hope you never donated to Samidoun gd this country holy shit this is bleak

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