Art & Design

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This community is about art in all its form, as well as its influence on culture and its application at the service of society: architecture, music, literature, performances, video games, graphic design...

Check the pinned posts for basic rules and a (wip) list of art related communities 🔗

🇫🇷 Discutons d'art et de design !

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Le sujet de la communauté concerne toutes les formes d'art, ainsi que leur influence sur la culture et leur application au service de la société : architecture, musique, littérature, performances, jeux vidéos, design graphique...

Pour toute question, suggestion, réclamation, etc. N'hésitez pas à utiliser le sujet épinglé.

✅ Les règles de l'instance s'appliquent bien évidemment.

founded 2 years ago

Hi, when I joined Lemmy, I wanted to highlight the artistic side of what is otherwise a very tech- and political-centric social network. I'm hoping this list of art and design related communities will help people in finding a place to belong. Check the notes in the comments for more meta info about this megathread.

General communities

Politics / Philosophy / Thinking / Learning

Self promo

Visual arts (need to sort into more specific categories)



Video games


Handmade / DIY

Niche Art


Artificially generated


Bienvenue !

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🇬🇧 Visitors from other instances, our instance rules apply here.

Examples of behaviours that help create a positive environment:

  • Show empathy and kindness towards others
  • Be respectful of divergent opinions, points of view and experiences
  • Give and receive constructive criticism with grace
  • Take responsibility and apologize to those affected by our mistakes and learn from these experiences
  • Focus on what is best not just for us as individuals, but also for the community as a whole
  • Ask rather than prejudge

Examples of unacceptable behaviours:

  • The use of sexualized language or images and sexual advances of any kind
  • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments and personal or political attacks
  • Harassment in public or private
  • Posting private information of others, such as a postal address or email address, without their explicit permission
  • Any other conduct that could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
  • The use of dogwhistles, or allusions to circumvent the rules
  • The use of violent remarks towards another person (insults, mockery, personal attacks, etc.), or a group of people (sexism, validism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.), disguised or not
  • Hiding the substance of one's opinions, for example: “I’m not racist, but […]”, “I’m not saying that all women are like that, but […]”. If you feel like you need to include this kind of preposition, there's probably a reason.

Une main pour déplacer un élément, une poubelle pour jeter des fichiers, un pot de peinture pour colorier, le travail de Susan Kare représente, semblerait-il, le langage le plus universel que nous connaissions à l’heure actuelle : les icônes informatiques.


[Architecture] Hérésies architecturales ? Des colosses imposants


Imposants, sombres, étranges : les bâtiments brutalistes perturbent autant qu'ils fascinent. Issu du mouvement moderne, ce style tire son origine du béton brut, un matériau pratique et abordable. Gros plan sur le couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette du Corbusier, le Royal National Theater de Londres et le "Serpent" à Berlin.

Construit sur pilotis à Éveux, dans la région lyonnaise, le couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette, l'une des œuvres les plus célèbres de Le Corbusier, en constitue un exemple emblématique. Véritable monstre de béton, il n'a pourtant pas fini d'émerveiller Charles Desjobert, frère dominicain et architecte. Le Royal National Theater de Londres déstabilise aussi par son austérité, avant de surprendre par son intérieur accueillant. Quant au "Serpent" à Berlin – un gigantesque immeuble d'habitation de 600 mètres de long dont le ventre est traversé par une autoroute –, il fait la fierté des habitants qu'il soude en véritable communauté. Exploration à la loupe d'un courant iconique, émaillée des éclairages d'architectes et d'historiens.

#architecture #béton #brutaliste #arte


From BrandNew:

Roscommon GAA, one of the 32 county boards of Ireland’s Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), recently made a significant change to its crest: It replaced the sheep on it. Previously a generic breed of sheep was being used instead of the more appropriate Roscommon Sheep, which is one of only two native breeds in Ireland. This all started because in 2023, local sheep breeders at a council meeting of the Roscommon County Council questioned whether the council’s own crest was using the wrong breed of sheep on their crest.


Relevant articles:

The AI boom is creating a new logo trend: the swirling hexagon. AI companies seem to have taken a page from crypto when it comes to logo design.

Why DeepSeek’s logo represents a new era of AI branding. The friendly whale might be just the design disruptor the artificial intelligence industry needs.


With each Presidential cycle, the White House adopts a new drawing of, well, the White House to use on and on all official communications.


[Painting] Two Fishermen from Skagen at the Window in the Grocery Store, 1915 | Michael Ancher


Two fishermen in full working gear – oilskins and sou’westers – gaze out of a window. The incoming daylight illuminates their faces and upper bodies and sets them apart from the otherwise barely lit room.

The play of light on the smooth surface of their oilskin jackets is captured in rough brushstrokes, but their facial features are rendered in rich detail. Their faces frozen in concentration, the two men are staring intently at what is happening outside: everyday village life, the weather or homecoming fishermen?

The paintings by the Skagen artists’ colony around Michael Ancher captured contemplative scenes unrelated to work, and not only the high-adrenaline, laborious and dangerous activity of fishermen and sailors on the coast and the high seas.

Aside from domestic settings, the village pub belonging to Brøndums Hotel – referred to in the title as the “grocery shop” – was an important location for portraying village life.

Skagen artists showed a great fondness for painting interior scenes, which was partly due to the renewed popularity of genre painting from the Dutch Golden Age during the second half of the 19th century. Echoing the influential French art historian Théophile Thoré – who rediscovered the work of the Dutch painter Jan Vermeer – the Skagen painter and art historian Karl Madsen highlighted his outstanding importance for contemporary painting in 1884.

The Danish art historian Emil Hannover boldly undertook a direct comparison between works by Vermeer and Ancher in an exhibition review from 1887.

Although far simpler in structure, the painting “Two Fishermen from Skagen at the Window in the Grocery Store” also reveals parallels to Veneer’s compositional style. Like here, the figures in his paintings are often placed at the window, with daylight streaming in from the side to highlight the materiality of their clothing and the furnishings. KS

#Painting #MichaelAncher #sailors #fisherman


[Photographie] "Ce travail permet de les aider à tenir l'enfermement." Des photographies captivantes de femmes en prison, par Céline Levain


L’artiste Céline Levain a photographié 17 femmes de la maison d’arrêt d’Angoulême et du centre pénitentiaire de Vivonne. Elle en sort un très beau livre “Captives” en hommage à ces femmes incarcérées.

C'est par hasard qu’est née la rencontre de Céline Levain avec ces femmes détenues. La photographe fait partie d’un collectif d’auteurs illustrateurs sur Angoulême. Au cours d’une réunion, un conseiller Pénitentiaire d’Insertion et de probation (SPIP) se présente. Il est à la recherche d’un intervenant pour des animations culturelles dans les prisons. “Tout de suite, j’ai levé la main, j’avais à cœur de travailler sur la représentation féminine… Je voulais m’emparer du sujet autour de ces femmes”, avoue l’autrice.

#Carceral #Prison #Femme #CelineLevan #Photographie #Portrait


[Documentary] The Genius of Design 1 of 5 (auto english subtitle)


Documentary made by the BBC (2010). The series tells the story of design from the Industrial Revolution. The first episode indicates the "emergence" of design, alongside famous names such as Josiah Wedgwood and William Morris. The episode also explores the work of anonymous designers, responsible for classic and precursor projects


Documentaire réalisé par la BBC (2010). La série raconte l'histoire du design de la révolution industrielle. Le premier épisode indique l'émergence du design, aux côtés de noms célèbres tels que Josiah Wedgwood et William Morris. L'épisode explore également le travail de designers anonymes, responsables de projets classiques et précurseurs

#Design #History #Documentary

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