Just wrote up a little post for those who want to self host a lemmy instance with docker-compose and traefik.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by devve@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hello everyone! Mods here 😊

Tell us, what services do you selfhost? Extra points for selfhosted hardware infrastructure.

Feel free to take it as a chance to present yourself to the community!


submitted 10 minutes ago by Pxtl@lemmy.ca to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

So lemmiverse, my https://pxtl.ca domain has officially been booted off of Google Domains (welcome to the Google graveyard, Google Domains) and now has been moved into Squarespace, which is expensive.

Anybody recommend a good cheap .ca TLD domain host? One with a decent API for dynamic DNS so I can keep my home subdomain? I have a couple of pi4 servers in the house that could be tasked with pinging an API endpoint to notify the domain host of my IP.

thanks in advance.


Pro: 1Gb upload and download speeds on free Internet provided by the HOA. Con: As a self hoster, I have zero control over it. No port forwarding, no DMZ, no bridge mode. It's Starbucks free WiFi with a wired connection.

Option A: Buy Google Fiber and don't use free Internet. Option B: Create some elaborate tunnel through a VPS.

My public self hosted activities are fairly low bandwidth (password manager, SSH). I have a vague idea that I could point my domain to a low cost VPS that has a VPN tunnel into my home network for any incoming connection needs. That may require me to fill in port forwards on both systems but whatever. Tailscale is serving most of my remote needs but I still need a few ports. This does not fix the issue of online gaming port forwards (Nintendo Switch online requires a huge forwarded range for best performance) but oh well for now.

submitted 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) by Cyber@feddit.uk to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

As a long-term MythTV user, I read all the discussion about Plex vs Jellyfin, but I'm still here... recording Live TV, watching films, listening to "me choonz" all on free, open-source software. What am I missing? Any other MythTV users out there?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by oranki@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/17087912

Protonmail relies solely on Firebase for receiving notifications on Android. While UniversalPush support is probably in the works, it may take some time until users on ROMs without GSF get built-in notifications.

For those that already use ntfy.sh as a push provider for other apps, https://github.com/0ranki/hydroxide-push is a solution to get push notifications of new mail in Inbox.

The service requires a Linux box to run on, and can be deployed as a container or by running the provided binary. Building from source is of course also an option.

The service is a stripped down version of Hydroxide, the FOSS Protonmail Bridge alternative. There are no ports exposed, all communication is outwards. Communications to Proton servers use the Proton API. The service only receives events from Proton servers, and if the event is incoming mail, a notification is sent to a ntfy.sh server and topic of your choice. Other types of events are simply disregarded, and no other processing is done. The sent push event does not contain any detailed information.

EDIT: Starting from version v0.28.8-push7 the daemon supports HTTP basic auth for the push endpoint.

Disclaimer: I'm the author. All of the work is thanks to https://github.com/emersion/hydroxide, I've merely mutilized the great upstream project of most features for a single purpose. Issues, comments and pull requests are welcome!

submitted 21 hours ago by jet@hackertalks.com to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Setting up a Synology server, I made the mistake of just buying a UPS that had a USB plug on the back thinking oh this is a solved problem, it must just work. No no far from it.

So the UPS I mistakenly purchased is not compatible with Synology. SRV1KI-E wants to run this weird program called PowerChute.

Anyone have success marrying this into the Synology ecosystem?

It also has a RS 232 serial port, I wonder if there's an off-the-shelf device that would speak serial but output power state via the network or USB.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/17489101


I want to put some devices like NVR, modem, router, et cetera in a closet.

I'm having an electrician install a 240v AC power socket in the closet.

I'd like to cut a hole in the top of the closet through to the ceiling cavity for an exhaust fan.

I'm hoping to decommission my home server so I'd like to avoid having to run exhaust fans from a computer / PC power supply.

With all that in mind, I'm looking for one or more devices that will allow me to run two PWM case fans with thermostat from 240v.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Lem453@lemmy.ca to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

The topic of self-hosted cloud software comes up often but I haven't seen anyone mention owncloud infinite scale (the rewrite in Go).

I started my cloud experience with owncloud years ago. Then there was a schism and almost all the active devs left for the nextcloud fork.

I used nextcloud from it's inception until last year but like many others it always felt brittle (easy to break something) and half baked (features always seemed to be at 75% of what you want).

As a result I decided to go with Seafile and stick to the Unix philosophy. Get an app that does one thing very well rather than a mega app that tries to do everything.

Seafile does this very well. Super fast, works with single sign on etc. No bloat etc.

Then just the other day I discovered that owncloud has a full rewrite. No php, no Apache etc. Check the github, multiple active devs with lots of activity over the last year etc. The project seems stronger than ever and aims to fix the primary issues of nextcloud/owncloud PHP. Also designed for cloud deployment so works well with docker, should be easy to configure via docker variables instead of config files mapped into the container etc.

Anyways, the point of this thread is:

  1. If you never heard of it like me then check it out
  2. If you have used it please post your experiences compared to NextCloud, Seafile etc.

So this is an interesting one I can't figure out myself. I have Proxmox on a PowerEdge R730 with 5 NICs (4 + management). The management interface is doing its own thing so don't worry about that. Currently I have all 4 other interfaces bonded and bridged to a single IP. This IP is for my internal network (, VLAN 1). This has been working great. I have no issues with any containers on this network. One of those containers happens to be one of two FreeIPA replicas, the other living in the cloud. I have had no issues using DNS or anything else for FreeIPA from this internal network nor from my cloud network or VPN networks.

Now, I finally have some stuff I want to toss in my DMZ network (, VLAN 5) and so I'll just use my nice R730 to do so, right? Nope! I can get internet, I can even use the DNS server normally, but the second I go near my FreeIPA domains it all falls apart. For instance, I can get the records for example.local just fine, but the second i request ipa.example.local or ds.ipa.example.local, i get EDE 22: No Reachable Authority. This is despite the server that's being requested from being the authority for this zone. I can query the same internal DNS server from either the same internal network or a different network and it works handy dandy, but not from the R730 on another network. I can't even see the NS glue records on my public DNS root server.

I'm honestly not sure why everything except these FreeIPA domains works. Yes, I have the firewall open for it and I have added a trusted_networks ACL to Bind and allowed queries, recursion, and query_cache for this ACL. The fact it only breaks on these FreeIPA subdomains makes me think it's a forwarding issue, but shouldn't it see the NS records and keep going? It can ping all the addresses that might come up from DNS, it's showing the same SOA when I query the root domain, it just refuses to work from my IPA domains. Can someone provide any insight on this please, I'm sick and tired of trying to debug it.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hello! I have a problem: sometimes I instinctively refer to a movie by the English name (for example, Star Wars), but if I search for it in jellyfin it is not found, as the italian translated name is "Guerre Stellari". I'd like to be able to search for it with both the original name and the translated name. The original name is present in the metadata, it just isn't used as a search parameter. Is there a way?

EDIT: I understood the problem: i'm stupid

Star wars episode IV had both the translated and the original title, and was correctly find when searching "star wars", but episode V and VI didn't have the string "star wars" in the original title! and this is why jellyfin didn't find them. I edited the metadata and added it, now it works perfectly. Thanks to everyone!

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Xirup@yiffit.net to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I used Docker Compose to install and run changedetection.io and everything's working nice, but I want to enable Playwright content fetcher so I can specify when I want to be notified, and not just to be notified when there are even changes in the code of the site.

I can toggle an option in the changedetection settings to use WebDriver Chrome/Javascript instead of the default Basic fast Plaintext/HTTP Client, but when I tried to use the Visual Filter Selection within a watched item it tells me that:

Sorry, this functionality only works with Playwright/Chrome enabled watches. Enable the Playwright Chrome fetcher, or alternatively try our very affordable subscription based service. This is because Selenium/WebDriver can not extract full page screenshots reliably.

And honestly I want to try this to myself, not to just pay a subscription and that's it. So, I keep up and read through their wiki and according to their own wiki while using a docker compose based Change Detection service (as I am) to enable Playwright content fetcher it's as simple as:

In docker-compose.yml uncomment PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL under environment, and the playwright-chrome section under services.

I already tried that and toggle the fetching method to WebDriver Chrome/Javascript, but now instead of just not letting me using the Visual Filter Selection because of while trying to fetch any site it gives me this error:

Exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='browser-chrome', port=4444): Max retries exceeded with url: /wd/hub/session (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fa4d42417e0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))

But before of doing these changes I didn't receive any error message and everything works nice, so possibly I'm doing something wrong... Here is the pastebin of the docker-compose file that I edited, I won't share it here because the format fucked the whole code.


Check out our open-source, language-agnostic mutation testing tool using LLM agents here: https://github.com/codeintegrity-ai/mutahunter

Mutation testing is a way to verify the effectiveness of your test cases. It involves creating small changes, or “mutants,” in the code and checking if the test cases can catch these changes. Unlike line coverage, which only tells you how much of the code has been executed, mutation testing tells you how well it’s been tested. We all know line coverage is BS.

That’s where Mutahunter comes in. We leverage LLM models to inject context-aware faults into your codebase. As the first AI-based mutation testing tool, Our AI-driven approach provides a full contextual understanding of the entire codebase by using the AST, enabling it to identify and inject mutations that closely resemble real vulnerabilities. This ensures comprehensive and effective testing, significantly enhancing software security and quality. We also make use of LiteLLM, so we support all major self-hosted LLM models

We’ve added examples for JavaScript, Python, and Go (see /examples). It can theoretically work with any programming language that provides a coverage report in Cobertura XML format (more supported soon) and has a language grammar available in TreeSitter.

Here’s a YouTube video with an in-depth explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h4zpeK6LOA

Here’s our blog with more details: https://medium.com/codeintegrity-engineering/transforming-qa-mutahunter-and-the-power-of-llm-enhanced-mutation-testing-18c1ea19add8

Check it out and let us know what you think! We’re excited to get feedback from the community and help developers everywhere improve their code quality.

Pros and cons of Proxmox in a home lab? (lemmy.linuxuserspace.show)
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by rottedmood@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hi all. I was curious about some of the pros and cons of using Proxmox in a home lab set up. It seems like in most home lab setups it’s overkill. But I feel like there may be something I’m missing. Let’s say I run my home lab on two or three different SBCs. Main server is an x86 i5 machine with 16gigs memory and the others are arm devices with 8 gigs memory. Ample space on all. Wouldn’t Proxmox be overkill here and eat up more system resources than just running base Ubuntu, Debian or other server distro on them all and either running the services needed from binary or docker? Seems like the extra memory needed to run the Proxmox software and then the containers would just kill available memory or CPU availability. Am I wrong in thinking that Proxmox is better suited for when you have a machine with 32gigs or more of memory and some sort of base line powerful cpu?


Perhaps this is a weird question I have, but I've been watching some technotim videos lately and he seems to have local dns addresses for local services. Perhaps I've got this wrong, but if not: how would you go over doing this?

I have a pterodactyl dashboard, which I access locally using the machines IP and the port, but it would be great to have a pterodactyl.example.com domain, which isn't accessible from other networks, but does work on my own network. I also still want some services exposed to the internet, so I'm not sure if this would work.


Hello everyone,

Since my daughter was born I am searching for a solution to share pictures of our child with my wife and create a copy of each smartphones photos and other files (documents). At first I tried nextcloud, but there is a lot of overhead and the administration feels kind of complex for what I need.

Anyone else having some input on which software to use?

So my main goal is:

Software running on raspberry pi (preferable docker). Has abilities like shared folder where pictures and documents get uploaded from multiple users and can be viewed (collaboration editing is not needed). Automatically copy files from smartphone (android) to raspberry from selected folder for a simple redundancy.


Hi, I am planning to purchase a 2.5-inch HDD. If I connect it to my computer using a SATA to USB adapter instead of directly to the computer's SATA, can it somehow affect the result of this scan?

I apologize for my ignorance but I couldn't find an answer to this question anywhere

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by meonkeys@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Kinda proud of this, so forgive me while I brag. I found a likely "phone home" tracking image in DocuSeal. I searched around: there was an extant issue about the image. I asked the devs: would they accept a PR to remove the image? A maintainer responded quickly that they were not interested in a PR to remove it, so I forked it in minutes with my tiny hack, built a new Docker image and re-deployed to my server after making a one-line change in a Docker Compose file.

Here's the hack: https://github.com/meonkeys/docuseal/commit/e710678d

Happy to share my compose config as well if folks are interested.

I do want to put in a plug for DocuSeal: they made an excellent thing. It's a fast and beautiful app for adding signatures to PDFs, similar to DocuSign or HelloSign, but awesomely AGPL licensed and easy to self-host. I got it running in minutes and it worked very well. I support what they're doing and I want to see them succeed. OpenSign looks cool too but I haven't tried that one yet.

So yeah. Self-hosting and FOSS FTW!

cross-posted to: reddit r/selfhosted (there's no additional content in the post at that link. Sorry, I should have posted on Lemmy first! Anyway, above is the copy/pasted post so you can get it without having to use reddit)

HDD data recovery (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

I have a HDD 4tb Toshiba drive I had in a Raid 1 NAS device (NSA320) that failed in the raid and I replaced it and rebuilt the raid and life was good.

I have finally moved to a better custom TrueNas scale setup with 2x 8tb HDD in a Raid 1 with weekly encrypted backups to online cloud. I have 2 4tb Toshiba HDDs that match closely with the dead hdd.

I want to try to recover data from it mainly because I want the experience... Let me explain. The drive clicks, yes you can hear the disks spin up to speed and then you hear clicking as it's trying to read.

I want to know if I can start off trying to swap the circuit board to rule that out without much issue? I have true HEPA filter air purifiers and I can rotate and angle them to have a positive pure air pressure if I need to open it up and swap out the arms.

Is it worth trying? Anything I should know or think about in my decision to try this?

Alpine Linux on NanoPi R6S (links.hackliberty.org)

Hey everyone, I’m looking to replace my router with a NanoPi R6S but want to do everything myself from Alpine Linux.

I’ve been doing a lot of research and it seems that the chipset and hardware are supported as of Linux 6.3, but looking at Alpine’s ARM documentation makes installation sound a bit more advanced than I’m used to (specifically, the partition layout and U-Boot are confusing to me).

Has anyone gone this route?

Funkwhale + Portainer? (www.funkwhale.audio)

Has anybody here managed to install Funkwhale using Portainer? I've already tried 3 times, first tried a template, but turns out the AIO container is deprecated, then tried modifying the default docker-compose and env files available on Funkwhale's repo, didn't work (couldn't run the required commands to create a user). Then I spun up a brand new debian 12 LXC container on proxmox, ran their quick install script and failed (something related to snapd, even though it was installed).

Up until now I've been an avid Navidrome user, but since we've been cutting some costs, Spotify had to go. Too late I realised Navidrome has no library separation: Even though you can have multiple users, they all pull from the same library, making it a mess.

I'm just looking for a simple deployment I can use either within my LAN or via TailScale, just for me and a few family members.


I set up Netbird with Nginx Proxy Manager to reach my self-hosted servers. But I can't get it to configure Mailcow. Does anyone have an idea how I can make Mailcow work with Netbird and NPM?

Encrypted P2P Chat (chat.positive-intentions.com)



I'm excited to share with you an instant messaging application I've been working on that might interest you. This is a chat app designed to work within your browser, with a focus on browser-based security and decentralization.

What makes this app unique is that it doesn't rely on messaging servers to function. Instead, it works based on your browser's javascript capabilities, so even low-end devices should work.

Here are some features of the app:

  • Encrypted messaging: Your messages are encrypted, making them more secure.
  • File sharing: Easily share files using WebRTC technology and QR codes.
  • Voice and video calls: Connect with others through voice and video calls.
  • Shared virtual space: Explore a shared mixed-reality space.
  • Image board: Browse and share images in a scrollable format.

Your security is a top priority. Here's how the app keeps you safe:

  • Decentralized authentication: No central server is required for login, making it harder for anyone to gain unauthorized access.
  • Unique IDs: Your ID is cryptographically random, adding an extra layer of security.
  • End-to-end encryption: Your messages are encrypted from your device to the recipient's device, ensuring only you and the recipient can read them.
  • Local data storage: Your data is stored only on your device, not on any external servers.
  • Self-hostable: You have the option to host the app on your own server if you prefer.

The app is still in the early stages and I'm exploring what's possible with this technology. I'd love to hear your feedback on the idea and the current state of the app. If you have any feature requests or ideas, I'm all ears in the comments below!

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

The live app

About the app


submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by HumanPerson@sh.itjust.works to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

My family needs a new router to replace the old (though not old enough that it should be dying) netgear router that is slowly dying. I want to do something with good foss firmware like opnsense or openwrt. I was thinking that the BananaPi options look good, but had some concerns. I would like to install the firmware myself, rather than trust that the manufacturer didn't modify it in any way. I don't know if the pre-made openwrt bananapi routers can be flashed with custom firmware easily. Also I need something with wifi (ideally wifi 6 or better), though would be willing to consider a separate WAP. VLANs would be nice too, but I could live without them. Have any of you done this? What has your experience been, both with install and long term? Is there anything I should look out for that I might not think of? What resources can I use to find out more about this?

Edit: This is the one I'm looking at. Sorry for linking to Amazon but I used FF's remove tracking from URL feature. https://www.amazon.com/youyeetoo-BPI-R3-Development-MediaTek-Support/dp/B0BLVF9697/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

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A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don't control.


  1. Be civil: we're here to support and learn from one another. Insults won't be tolerated. Flame wars are frowned upon.

  2. No spam posting.

  3. Posts have to be centered around self-hosting. There are other communities for discussing hardware or home computing. If it's not obvious why your post topic revolves around selfhosting, please include details to make it clear.

  4. Don't duplicate the full text of your blog or github here. Just post the link for folks to click.

  5. Submission headline should match the article title (don’t cherry-pick information from the title to fit your agenda).

  6. No trolling.


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