MBTI Meta (lemmy.ml)
submitted 1 year ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 months ago by qed123@lemmy.world to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

I had to kinda get him in a playful mood to speculate, and while this order isn't possible (close) I appreciated his self reflection and thanked him!

submitted 5 months ago by David_Eight@lemmy.world to c/mbti@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

Let's face it, the MBTI has its own shortcomings and many of them are additions to Jung's thought. However, I believe it's the most pop system for introducing fundamental topics.

Guess my type (lemmy.ml)
submitted 1 year ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

You can ask me anything.

submitted 1 year ago by Anbalsilfer@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

From Wikipedia

Introverted intuition is the intuition that acts in an introverted and thus, subjective manner. Jung wrote: "Intuition, in the introverted attitude, is directed upon the inner object, a term we might justly apply to the elements of the unconscious. For the relation of inner objects to consciousness is entirely analogous to that of outer objects, although theirs is a psychological and not a physical reality. Inner objects appear to the intuitive perception as subjective images of things, which, though not met with in external experience, really determine the contents of the unconscious, i.e. the collective unconscious, in the last resort. [...] Although this intuition may receive its impetus from outer objects, it is never arrested by the external possibilities, but stays with that factor which the outer object releases within. [...] Introverted intuition apprehends the images which arise from the a priori, i.e. the inherited foundations of the unconscious mind. These archetypes, whose innermost nature is inaccessible to experience, represent the precipitate of psychic functioning of the whole ancestral line, i.e. the heaped-up, or pooled, experiences of organic existence in general, a million times repeated, and condensed into types. Hence, in these archetypes all experiences are represented which since primeval time have happened on this planet. Their archetypal distinctness is the more marked, the more frequently and intensely they have been experienced. The archetype would be—to borrow from Kant—the noumenon of the image which intuition perceives and, in perceiving, creates."

submitted 1 year ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

From Wikipedia

Extraverted Intuition takes in intuitive information from the world around. Whereas Introverted Intuition refers to Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious, Extraverted Intuition is concerned with the collective conscious. People with high extraverted intuition are attuned to current events, media, trends, and developments. The collective unconscious sees the world in terms of primordial archetypes such as The Hero, The Sage, or The Outlaw, etc. The collective conscious used by the Extraverted Intuitive, however, sees archetypes reflected through the subcultures, celebrities, organizations, events, and ideas of their times.

submitted 1 year ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

From Wikipedia

Introverted sensation is the sensing function that perceives phenomena in such a way as extraverted sensation does above, but in a subjective manner. Jung wrote that "the subject perceives the same things as everybody else, only, he never stops at the purely objective effect, but concerns himself with the subjective perception released by the objective stimulus. Subjective perception differs remarkably from the objective. It is either not found at all in the object, or, at most, merely suggested by it[...] Subjective sensation apprehends the background of the physical world rather than its surface. The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them. Such a consciousness would see the becoming and the passing of things beside their present and momentary existence, and not only that, but at the same time it would also see that Other, which was before their becoming and will be after their passing hence."

Introverted sensation also perceives things in a very detailed manner, as per Emma Jung.

submitted 1 year ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

From Wikipedia

Extraverted sensation is the sensing function that perceives sensations from the external world in an objective manner. For example, since an extraverted sensors type's source of reward gravitates around perceiving and feeling external phenomena, he often has a good sense of aesthetic — whether this be the taste of food, or a new trend in clothing. Extraverted Sensors may be more attuned with spatial awareness and physical reality. Note that a bodily sensation is still considered extraverted sensing, as the sensation is being perceived in objective reality. Such as, drinking caffeine will objectively create a stimulating sensation in the person’s physiology. This is contrasted to the subjective sensor who may be concerned with a subjective response to the same drink (e.g. nostalgia that is tied to that specific cup of coffee, or whether or not they prefer the flavor).

submitted 2 years ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

These are obviously just guidelines but it's pretty simple:

  • you most likely want an intuitive partner if you are an intuitive and a sensorial one if you are a sensorial. This is the most dividing difference.

  • you most likely want an introverted partner if you are an extroverted and viceversa. This helps to maintain a good energy equilibrium.

  • you most likely want a feeler partner if you are a thinker and viceversa. This is useful to solidify the relationship.

submitted 2 years ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

From Wikipedia

Introverted feeling is "very hard to elucidate since so little of it is openly displayed." Jung writes of feeling in introverted feelers: "[Introverted feeling] is continually seeking an image which has no existence in reality, but which it has seen in a kind of vision. It glides over all objects that do not fit in with its aim. It strives after inner intensity, for which the objects serve at most as a stimulus. The depth of this feeling can only be guessed—it can never be clearly grasped. It makes people silent and difficult to access; it shrinks back like a violet from the brute nature of the object in order to fill the depths of the subject. It comes out with negative judgments or assumes an air of profound indifference as a means of defence."

submitted 2 years ago by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

From Wikipedia

Overall, extraverted feeling is concerned with phenomena to be harmonious with its external environment. Jung writes of extraverted feelers as those where feeling "loses its personal character -- it becomes feeling per se; it almost seems as though the personality were wholly dissolved in the feeling of the moment. Now, since actual life situations constantly and successively alternate, in which the feeling-tones released are not only different but are actually mutually contrasting, the personality inevitably becomes dissipated in just so many different feelings."

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

From Wikipedia

Introverted thinking is the thinking function that is subjective (being introverted). The nature of introverted thinking means that it is primarily concerned with its "subjective idea" and insights gained by formulation over facts and objective data. Whereas Extraverted Thinking is most like Empiricism, Introverted Thinking is most similar to Rationalism.

"Just as Darwin might possibly represent the normal extraverted thinking type, so we might point to Kant as a counter-example of the normal introverted thinking type. The former speaks with facts; the latter appeals to the subjective factor. Darwin ranges over the wide fields of objective facts, while Kant restricts himself to a critique of knowledge in general. But suppose a Cuvier be contrasted with a Nietzsche: the antithesis becomes even sharper."

"The introverted thinking type is characterized by a priority of the thinking I have just described. Like his [p. 485] extraverted parallel, he is decisively influenced by ideas; these, however, have their origin, not in the objective data but in the subjective foundation. Like the extravert, he too will follow his ideas, but in the reverse direction: inwardly not outwardly. Intensity is his aim, not extensity. In these fundamental characters he differs markedly, indeed quite unmistakably from his extraverted parallel. Like every introverted type, he is almost completely lacking in that which distinguishes his counter type, namely, the intensive relatedness to the object."

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

From Wikipedia

Extraverted thinking is the thinking function that is objective (being extroverted). Extroverted thinking often places information such as facts in high order; it is a process that is concerned with organisation and hierarchy of phenomena.

"In accordance with his definition, we must picture a, man whose constant aim -- in so far, of course, as he is a [p. 435] pure type -- is to bring his total life-activities into relation with intellectual conclusions, which in the last resort are always orientated by objective data, whether objective facts or generally valid ideas. This type of man gives the deciding voice-not merely for himself alone but also on behalf of his entourage-either to the actual objective reality or to its objectively orientated, intellectual formula. By this formula are good and evil measured, and beauty and ugliness determined. All is right that corresponds with this formula; all is wrong that contradicts it; and everything that is neutral to it is purely accidental."

INFP (lemmy.ml)
submitted 2 years ago by suspended@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml
ENFJ (lemmy.ml)
submitted 2 years ago by BVNNY@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml

Any other ENFJ people here?

submitted 2 years ago by hammsvietro@lemmy.ml to c/mbti@lemmy.ml


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