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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/Aggressive_Milk_9355 on 2023-09-29 17:20:09.

Join the new Proton Mail beta on Android:

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/warm-milk-enjoyer on 2023-09-28 20:07:38.

Currently, Proton Mail restricts users to a set number of custom aliases when utilizing their own custom domain. In my case, I heavily rely on a catch-all approach for managing accounts such as Netflix, Amazon, Instagram, and more. The challenge arises when I receive emails related to these accounts and need to respond using specific aliases (e.g., [banking@mydomain.com](mailto:banking@mydomain.com)) instead of my default sender ([mail@mydomain.com](mailto:mail@mydomain.com)).

I recently came across a feature in FastMail that seems to address this seamlessly. When using a custom domain, FastMail allows users to easily change the start of the domain when sending or responding to an email. It provides a simple dropdown or similar mechanism for altering the sender's address ([changethispart@mydomain.com](mailto:changethispart@mydomain.com)).

If Proton Mail already has a similar feature that I might have overlooked, I would appreciate guidance on how to use it. However, if this isn't currently a part of Proton Mail's functionality, I would like to suggest considering its implementation.

Having the ability to change the alias effortlessly while responding to emails would be a valuable addition for users managing multiple accounts with a custom domain.

Hopefully you guys also see this being a useful feature and we can convince the Proton team to get it going ASAP.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/exec_liberty on 2023-09-28 13:24:52.

Just typed a bunch of information in an email. I needed to check another email to see what date I received it. I go back to my Draft and it's a blank email all of sudden!

This is not the first time this has happened to me and it's so fucking frustrating! Such a basic email function that's not working properly.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/Blaze_07 on 2023-09-28 05:46:57.

Original Title: I have cyber insurance and they routinely scan my domain. I recently switched to Proton and set everything up exactly as instructed. The image below is the result of a recent scan. I have DMARC in place so I don't understand why they say it is missing. Thoughts? Any way to make SPF less broad?

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/Charlie_FL on 2023-09-27 18:35:46.

Please add the feature allowing an event to be repeated annually every third Saturday of a month—or every first Tuesday of the month, etc.

Thank you.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/zuuuko on 2023-09-27 10:06:31.

Hi all! Just a quick question about things that still require a Google account to work, and how people go about this using Proton.

I've got years of data and things on my YouTube account (view history, etc), do people just continue to use their old accounts for this? Or should I create a new Google account using an alias from Proton Mail and use that instead? Does that have the same level of security as a Google account, and does it really matter?

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/goobiyadi on 2023-09-27 09:02:32.

Hi all,

I've been reading through the posts here and appreciate the many helpful tips so many folks have provided. I did a bunch of searches but didn't see my question asked. I am debating switching my email from FastMail, which I've been with for 9 or 10 years, to ProtonMail for better email security. I have a Proton Unlimited account.

With Fastmail I use A LOT of aliases with my own domain. Each time I sign up at a website I use a different alias, and I've been doing this for years. This way I can see which site was compromised (or which site sold my data) whenever I start getting spam at an existing alias. FM does a really nice job filtering out spam, including spam to all of those aliases, and it was the main reason I switched to their service from GMail ages ago. For those of have used FM in the past, how do their default spam filters compare with ProtonMail spam filters? Did you have to do a lot of editing of seive filters to get approximately the same spam filtering results?


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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/crycrylittlefly on 2023-09-27 12:34:18.


I just migrated to Proton yesterday and everything good so far, except when I write an e-mail. After writing a few sentences, it becomes incredibly sluggish, there's a huge delay when I type and it's very annoying. I have an iPhone 13 PM and I'm on iOS 17.0.1. Does anyone else have this issue? It's fine on PC, it's just on my phone.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/camman0416 on 2023-09-27 01:39:57.

Recently got a nothing phone 2 and lately my proton mail app has been very sluggish. Loading inboxes and emails takes up to 10 seconds. Never experienced this before. Anyone else experience this?

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/GoatLord8 on 2023-09-26 00:21:04.

Hi, I am a completely new Proton user, it's been on my radar for some time now but I have now finally made the move!

One of the things ProtonMail offers that really appealed to me was the Aliases. As someone who previously had several Gmail accounts for different use cases and to be sure that if 1 is compromised, it won't compromise them all, being able to have several addresses under 1 proton account instead of multiple proton accounts sounded like a great idea! However, after a bit of testing, I now realize that you can use any of the aliases to log into your proton account, meaning if 1 is compromised, they are all compromised, not just 1.

This make me wonder, am I missing something here, if not, what is the use case for aliases then? I had assumed their purpose was so that you could use the aliases instead of your actual protonmail in order to protect it, but if any alias can be used to log in then that's kind of redundant? For example, say I wanna register for a website I don't fully trust, my thought was that I could then create an alias so that if that website has faulty security and a leak occurs, my actual mail isn't leaked, only the alias is. But since you can use the alias to log in, then that means if a leak occurs then my actual mail is technically leaked anyway..

Based on Protons own description, it also does seem like this was the intent? "Proton Mail aliases are email addresses that allow users to keep their real email address hidden while still being able to receive, reply, and send emails to the sender without revealing their actual address." But your account still isn't hidden, as any alias can be used to log in, they are essentially nicknames or alternative log in usernames..?

I do acknowledge that this does increase your individual account security, instead of having 1 mail for all accounts, you have several for different accounts, however, it would have been great if this also protected your Proton account..?

Would love to hear if I have missed anything or just have a discussion about this!

As a side note, does anyone know how many Security keys Protonmail supports? I usually like to have 1 mail key and 1 back up, but the interface sort of make me feel like it only supports 1 key.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/greenBlueChameleon on 2023-09-26 18:52:10.

Hi community,

I have started using ProtonMail professionally recently and there is one thing that really bothers me: scrolling to the bottom of long emails to open/download any attachments.

Now, this might not sound like a big issue, especially if ProtonMail is used for private purposes where the email-exchange might be limited. However, in a professional environment, I often have to write with customers/suppliers/advisers and so on, and have 20, 30, 40 email exchanges. Now, given that ProtonMail does not hide the previous correspondences in the email, I have to scroll down for 5-10 seconds to find the attachments. Finding attachments of emails already replied to, is even worse.

Why not just put the attachments at the top of the email, right below the sender/recipient address? Or alternatively: hide the previous email exchange so that emails do not appear so looooong?

Thanks for the consideration! Cheers

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/hobbes444 on 2023-09-26 15:07:37.


"from:", "-from:", "to:", "label:", "-label:" etc. search operators in web app


Zero knowledge email means that email body search is not possible in Proton Mail (I won't start the searchable symmetric encryption debate here, it's a whole other question). Downloading emails locally is an option offered by Proton Mail, although it has some limitations.

But knowing search is a weak point of the product, I would expect Proton is doing everything they can to compensate for it.

Search operators are in my eyes a relatively low effort way to improve the search UX.

I know the functionality of some of these operators can be achieved via the web app GUI (click search field, click "more options"), but a/ typing "from:xyz" in the search field is so much faster, and b/ some of these search operators are simply not yet possible (labels, subject...)

Feature request

  1. All operators should be negatable. (e.g., "from header does NOT contain xyz")
  2. Nice to have: all operators should be usable in a "matches exactly" mode instead of "contain" mode (except the folder one, this one I feel should always be "matches exactly")

* from header contains / does not contain * to header contains / does not contain * cc header contains / does not contain * to or cc header contains / does not contain * subject contains / does not contain (search string must be protected, to allow including spaces and non-alphanumerical ascii characters in general) * label contains / does not contain * is / is not in folder xyz

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/Proton_Team on 2023-09-26 14:48:35.

Hello everyone,

Starting today, you can test the search feature in the beta version of the Proton Calendar web app.

This feature will allow you to easily find the events you're looking for while keeping your schedule private.

Search is made possible by creating and storing a local index of your events on your device.

This ensures that Proton doesn't see the details of your events.

To try it out, make sure that you have joined the Beta.

Do this by opening the Proton Calendar web app, and enabling Beta access in the settings menu.

You can learn more about this feature here:

Search was one of the most popular Calendar community requests, and we’d love to hear your feedback about it!

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/TerminalConscious on 2023-09-25 22:32:19.

Please be gentle. The idea of having your e-mail (the gateway to your digital life) along with all your logins of usernames and passwords in Proton Pass along with the TOTP for 2FA seems like a bad idea. Don't people usually suggest segmenting parts of your digital life? What happens if somehow you get compromised? Does that mean you're handing the keys to the kingdom to the attacker or is this a non-issue?

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/MagazineKeyCape on 2023-09-25 23:08:02.

I know this is a place for Proton Mail devotees, and I have been with the service since it was in beta, but now I’m questioning whether there’s any point continuing. I care about features and accessibility across my devices, and I am not a use case that requires heavy privacy protections (ie I’m not a whistleblower etc). I just don’t want to give access to my data to advertisers etc.

So what’s the reliable, secure service that just works and has a bunch of features like calendar that works across devices, etc… I won’t do a list of features I want because the many frequently requested features of PM that aren’t getting any love are mentioned in this sub daily.

Is it Fastmail? Or something else? I don’t want to go back to iCloud mail, but I’m considering it at this point, because I already pay for iCloud plus or whatever it’s called.

What a great review :) (www.youtube.com)
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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/elarno01 on 2023-09-25 18:40:03.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/BlursedKoala on 2023-09-25 08:39:10.

I'm paying for the Unlimited plan and while I love that it gives us 15 aliases, I'm hesitating to use them for important services/sites because if one day, for some reason, I choose to drop my subscription, those aliases will lose sending privileges (please correct me on this if I'm wrong).

Some way to be able to buy an alias forever would be really sweet, something like a one-time purchase maybe.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/smiley_mcfrown on 2023-09-24 10:55:12.

TLDR; Basically, the title except I'm specifically interested in what they get from the URL even if you don't sign in.

I wondered if I could get the 1GB upgrade despite not wanting to forward Gmail, and I noticed other account logins got marked just by clicking to visit the site. I tried the same with Gmail, but I noticed the URL going to gmail has a ClientID among other things, so I closed the window.

Here is the URL with some redacted.

h t t p s : //accounts.google.com/v3/signin/identifier?opparams=%253F&dsh= ** &access_type=offline&client_id= **** .apps.googleusercontent.com&o2v=2&prompt=consent&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.proton.me%2Foauth%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=email+openid+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fgmail.readonly&service=lso&state=proton-web- ** &theme=glif&flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow&continue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.google.com%2Fsignin%2Foauth%2Fconsent%3Fauthuser%3Dunknown%26part%3 ** %26as%3D**%%26client_id%****.apps.googleusercontent.com%26theme%3Dglif%23&app_domain=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.proton.me&rart=

I'm concerned that, despite using a VPN, Google could match this connection with a Gmail account I had open on the same computer in a different Firefox window and container (Proton was in a private window).

Part of me says it's unlikely Google have connected the two due to the amount of connections coming from a VPN, but the other part of me says I have no idea how advanced Google's tracking is, and with browser signatures and the like it is possible.

Since I was trying to keep this email separate from me completely, am I going to have to kill this address and start again?

On a related note, /u/ProtonMail, I find it a bit strange and disappointing that for a privacy-focused company, you are forcing users to forward their Gmail (and therefore giving information to Google about their actions) to get extra storage.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/SpoonksWasTaken on 2023-09-24 22:02:00.

Original Title: I'm having difficulty transporting data from my old Gmail account to my newly created ProtonMail account, is my account too young or is there something wrong on my behalf? I followed the guide from ProtonMail's YouTube Channel

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/esorb65 on 2023-09-23 23:29:14.


Noticed on my iPad Pro that protonmail app doesn’t have face recognition option like on my iPhone.. why is that.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/ActorWriter24 on 2023-09-23 04:03:49.

I currently use wisestamp for my email signature. Does this work for proton mail? It has HTML.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/DarkThirdSun on 2023-09-22 04:01:52.

As much as I wanna use Proton everything, sometimes it’s the basics that get in the way.

In the iOS app, I can’t seem to add invitees, yet I can in the web version. Then in the web version, I can’t delete a single instance of a recurring event without deleting the whole series. Yet I can do this in the iOS app.

Neither seems to have the ability to search addresses, like autocomplete them so I don’t have to type the whole thing. But this may be a function of encryption?

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/rafikiphoto on 2023-09-23 14:44:22.

I saw today a button on Outlook 365 which offered a switch to the new Outlook. My current Outlook 365 runs fine with Proton mail through Bridge. However, after the switch, new Outlook opens and asks me to choose my account (only my Proton account offered) after which it thinks a bit and then says this account can't be opened. Has anyone else come across this and found a fix. Fortunately, for the time being, new outlook can be uninstalled still leaving old Outlook in place.

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/Able-Geologist-139 on 2023-09-23 02:23:33.

I want to use this, but it doesn't seem to be showing when I look for it. I assume this is because I am not on a business plan, and am on Proton Unlimited Personal. Will switching to Business Mail Essentials plan let me use it? If so, can I switch and get the rest of the money refunded?

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The original was posted on /r/protonmail by /u/kind-sofa on 2023-09-20 07:42:53.

I don’t think it’s an iOS only thing but I only use proton with the app.

So twice this week I received emails more than 24hours after they have been sent.

Is this known ?

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