A warming cup of coffee for our newly added moderators
โ - The hot beverage that powers the world!
Coffee gadgets - It's always great to learn about new gadgets. Please share your favorite hardware or full setups. It might inspire newcomers to experiment!
Local businesses - Please promote your local businesses. If you are not the owner of the business you are promoting, kindly ask the owner if it's okay. It would be great if the business has a physical store to include an exterior or interior shot.
Bit late to the party. But I would like to volunteer as well, if it's still available. Or when it became available in future.
I have zero experience in moderation of any community. I have been brewing coffee for the last 2 years. Been part of coffee community at Reddit.
Also, welcome to the new mods!
Hey, for now we're golden. But I'll keep this in mind ๐