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Thanks so much for the kind words!
I'm very glad people are happy with the better representation with the new heroes. As I've said before, I don't think Shattered's cast will ever be super diverse (given that the starting point is 3 white men and one 'girl character'), but I'd like to get it out of 'clearly bad' territory without making substantial changes to the existing heroes. For the Cleric in particular the thought of them being NB really nicely arose from their backstory, which I hope to be able to put in-game eventually.
What do you mean by better representation? In real life only 3 percent of people are NB, gay, or lgbtq. In shattered it's 20 percent (the sad ghost and now the cleric)
In real life, white people are only like 20 percent of the population but are like 80% of the current characters in the game currently
Curious isn't it?
I don't know why you are making this about race, I never said anything about it. But if you want to know, the city above the servers is probably somewhere with mostly white population like England.
But if we decide to ignore locational factors, than I would agree with you: the chances of 7 out of 8 characters being white is just around 0.01%, also the probility of getting 2 out of 10 characters as NB is 3.2%
And cleric, a white and NB hero comes to tip both scales even more off balance!