2m 70cm hanger dipole
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Whatever gets you on the air is what counts
Yes, any antenna is better than no antenna at all. But I've been struggling to find a solution for my qth. Almost everyone assumes that you have a balcony to put the antenna and I didn't have one. So hopefully this could work for others.
Oh, i know how that is for sure.
Is this for FM? Most people are using vertically polarized antennas for that. You could turn it on it's side, and feed that coax sideways for at least a few feet.
Yes, I'm using it vertically polarized. The fishing pole allows me to put the antenna away from the building through the window to have a better reception. The result is like a T rotated 90 degrees. If I want to change the polarization I only have to rotate the fishing pole. But I'm only using FM and everybody else is using vertically polarization.