A lot of those are one guy posting a lot of trollish comments on one post. And there are a bunch of entries because, if you read them, the mod removed, accidentally restored, then removed them again. It doesn't really seem like a big deal to me.
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Valid. I'll admit I didn't really read what was being removed, just the times and reasons listed after being kind of dumbfounded by the unprecedented rapid increase in modlog entries.
Just to clarify a few things:
Our mod log will show all federated mod actions, not just actions by lemm.ee mods and admins. So if any other instance is generating a ton of actions, it will also be visible from our mod log. In fact I don't think there has been any increase recently in lemm.ee mod actions at all.
The mod log does not actually get cleared, there is simply a UI issue in Lemmy which makes it a bit hard to view the mod log chronologically. The UI makes it appear as if the mod log is one single list of actions, while in fact it's different lists combined together (one list per each action type). You will notice some really old actions even on the first page of the mod log, this makes it seem as if there is a "missing period" in the actions, while in fact you are actually just seeing the first page for each different action type. If you navigate to subsequent pages, you will find all the "missing" actions there.
In practical terms, it's not really possible to clear the mod log at all, thanks to federation. Even if one instance will delete their local mod log records, those records would still be visible in other instances which they previously federated out to.
Thank you for clarifying, both of those points radically help my understanding of the situation 👍
I will say though, I do wish the modlog included which mod performed each action, as I think would be a good anti-abuse measure, and I am still concerned about a lack of recourse when a mod acts erroneously, such as in the case of removing entire a thread that at best was in the grey area of whether or not it matched a community's intent. But that's just my $0.02
actual answer: it doesn’t increase, lemmy just stops showing some stuff in the modlog after two days or so. been like that for a while. you can still find older actions using the search tools but if you just start scrolling back it starts to get more and more sparse.
why is this? no clue. so sorry for the half answer but suprised that no one else has commented this yet as i have been aware of it for a while.
Yeah stuff from my screenshot is now missing from the Modlog.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but what's the point of having a Modlog if the Modlog can be cleared? It's no longer a Modlog, it's a Mod-presentation-log, which is different.
yeah these are valid questions. perhaps it’s a bug?
Ah, well that dramatically changes my perspective on the matter. Thank you
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Pretty much.
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