Is the solution fantastic? Absolutely!
Is the phrasing poor? Sadly, also yes.
E: in future, try "additional needs"
This is a support community for amputees and their families, to discuss the issues facing those with limb loss in a safe, friendly environment.
Is the solution fantastic? Absolutely!
Is the phrasing poor? Sadly, also yes.
E: in future, try "additional needs"
I changed the title. I didn't realize it could be offensive. It was copied over from the website in my defense.
We don't know what we don't know, not to worry, but now you do, and your edit is appreciated. :)
E: bonus, before the edit the link only led to the photo for some reason, but now it leads to the actual article! (which also makes it more obvious that you didn't choose the title)
before the edit the link only led to the photo for some reason, but now it leads to the actual article! (which also makes it more obvious that you didn’t choose the title)
Yeah I messed up the original post. I corrected it when I realized I didn't put the link right while editing the title. Silver lining 🙂
Sorry I'm not good at that social media stuff.
Don't worry about it, you're doing great. 😊
E: and hey, thanks to this post, I discovered another disability related community, and I'm sure others have too, so thanks!
this product is only needed because backwards people keep buying shoes with inferior laces instead of velcro or other superior closing mechanisms
I have shoes that look like they have laces except they're just stretchy bands and don't actually have ends to tie together which is like the perfect best of both worlds
What if you prefer laces?
I wear orthopedic shoes with velcro straps because that model only comes with velcro straps, but they don't last very long and they don't look very good. I'd rather they came with laces because I don't have issues tying laces myself.
For every shoe that supposedly looks good with laces, there's a better looking one with velcro, buckle, disk or just slip in. I guess it's a matter of taste tho.
Also, laces get soaked with dirt and if you're not using something like the OP, they can rip or come loose and you step on them.
Never did a velcro die on me before the shoe died. Same for zippers on boots and buckles on sandals. Even the stupid disks lasted longer than laces.
I have them on my shoes since forever. They are great. After about six or seven years of daily use the plastic on the mating side got thin and i got a second pair without hesitation.
I don’t have any special needs that would require this product however I have personal preferences that absolutely make me want this.
I love barefoot shoes (wide thin shoes) and they’re all lace-ups but it’s such a pain having to tie and untie them when I’m going in and out of the house throughout the day.
This product is stylish and would let me convert my favourite shoes into effectively slip-ons.
While I won’t purchase a I don’t want to take stock away from those who need them (since one would have to purchase 5-10 for all their shoes), please consider that there are plenty of people who would just love this for the convenience alone (and perhaps add other marketing landing pages for this contest).
This product is made for everybody. It just happens to be helpful to those who might have trouble tying laces. That's why I mention it here.
So if you like it, go for it 🙂