This is why I stay here at Lemmy. The manufactured fear. Free entertainment for me.
If you want to see Nazi late stage-like behaviour, look at Israel.
The Republicans with Trump are more like Mussolini, even down to how Trump seems less of a warmonger than the Democrats but still supports the present day Nazis.
Both parties in the US supporting some kind of Fascism has a very 1930s vibe to it and if the Democrats had won, that would still be the case.
It's just that in places like Lemmy you're exposed to a lot of Political Propaganda from the Democrat Party which is just subtlety-free maximum alarmism (it was their main technique during the election campaign) so obviously the perception it induces is that their opposition is of the worst possible kind of Far Right Populist (ironic when the Democrats in Israel support something a lot more like Nazism at its later most extremelly racist and murderous stage) when the reality, whilst likely bad, is subtly different: as I pointed out and judging by his previous presidence, Trump doesn't seem to be a warmonger, which makes him less of a warmonger that the Democrats often are and hence makes him more like the Fascist Autoritarians of the Mussolini kind than those of the Hitler kind.
It doesn't help that the typically well educated person is overeducated on Nazism and undereducated on all other forms of Fascism, so all far-right populism wanna-be autocrats seem to those people to be like the only system like that they've learned enough about: Nazism.
We're a damned big country, and well-armed. Surely it won't be as easy to bring under the thumb? Resistance will be a LOT less futile?
The only portion that is well armed are the Republicans. Democrats spent the last thirty years demonizing gun ownership and enacting laws to restrict people from purchasing them.
Only a pathetically insignificant number of Leftists own firearms, including myself. And even fewer spend any time per month training with them, and may as well donate them to Republicans because even the most operator-level ergonomic high tech guns are worthless paperweights without regular training.
If anything the Trump fiasco has shown how stupid the argument of using guns to prevent a dictatorship is. A couple people tried to kill the wannabe dictator and were villified by both sides.
Americans will never rise up against the government. More than half of those who can vote chose the fascism. He controls the military. All of you could be armed and you wouldnt get through to him. Have fun shooting a hellfire missilie with your AR
He controls the military. All of you could be armed and you wouldnt get through to him. Have fun shooting a hellfire missilie with your AR
Vietnam. Afghanistan.