I'm so tired, somebody please help.
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
yes, instead of scrounging for berries when you're 75 and dying of an infected wound from when you fell over on that mountain
Oh boi 🤦♂️
I'm very anti-work, but one night in that environment with no shelter and food and I'd be dreaming of an office space. That being said, there is definitely a better world somewhere between working 50-80hours a week and sleeping outside with no shelter or food.
Why wouldn't you have shelter or food? Emergency shelter takes an hour to build if you've never done that before and as long as you can tie a knot and find both woods and stone you can have a reasonably durable shelter in a week.
Food is even easier as long as you did literally any outdoors skills as a kid. While the picture suggests a landscape a bit north and a bit alpine, fish, berries, root vegetables and/or tree nuts will be available to you all year.
Take a survival and foraging course. A couple weekends of education will save your life when capitalism inevitably collapses.