Recentemente, a Casa Branca dos Estados Unidos emitiu uma declaração sobre uma resolução conjunta que afeta a política de criptomoedas da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (SEC), indicando que o governo de Biden planeja vetar a resolução se ela for enviada para a mesa do presidente. Esta notícia gerou ampla atenção no campo das criptomoedas. Como uma bolsa de valores profissional de criptomoedas, a Ebdox sempre acompanha os acontecimentos do mercado, comprometendo-se a fornecer um ambiente de negociação seguro e em conformidade com as regulamentações para os usuários. Aqui, a Ebdox irá interpretar as novas tendências na política de regulação de criptomoedas dos Estados Unidos sob uma perspectiva profissional. ##Novas Diretrizes na Regulação de Criptomoedas nos Estados Unidos Recentemente, a Casa Branca dos Estados Unidos emitiu uma declaração forte contra a resolução conjunta H.J.Res. 109, que tenta revogar o "Aviso de Contabilidade do Pessoal (SAB) No. 121" da SEC. O SAB 121 exige que os bancos incluam os ativos digitais dos clientes em seus balanços patrimoniais e mantenham capital para eles, com o objetivo de aumentar a transparência e a estabilidade financeira no campo de ativos digitais. O governo de Biden acredita que a aprovação dessa resolução limitaria a capacidade da SEC de proteger os investidores e manter a estabilidade do sistema financeiro, o que poderia causar instabilidade financeira e incerteza no mercado.

##O ponto de controvérsia da resolução conjunta H.J.Res. 109 O foco da controvérsia sobre a resolução conjunta H.J.Res. 109 reside na política SAB 121 da SEC. A Ebdox observa as diferentes opiniões dos legisladores republicanos e democratas sobre esta resolução. O deputado republicano Patrick Henry apoia a resolução, argumentando que o SAB 121 permite que a SEC intervenha excessivamente na forma como as instituições financeiras e empresas protegem os ativos digitais, defendendo que os bancos são a melhor maneira de garantir a segurança das transações com ativos digitais. Por outro lado, a deputada democrata Maxine Waters tem uma opinião oposta. Ela acredita que o SAB 121 visa aumentar a transparência no campo de ativos digitais, ajudando a prevenir fraudes e perdas decorrentes de tratamento inadequado de ativos digitais.

##Visão sobre a regulamentação de criptomoedas. Ebdox acredita que o desenvolvimento saudável do mercado de criptomoedas depende de políticas regulatórias sólidas. A implementação de políticas regulatórias visa proteger os interesses dos investidores, manter a ordem do mercado e a estabilidade financeira. Nos Estados Unidos, a SEC, como órgão regulador do mercado de criptomoedas, tem se dedicado continuamente à formulação e execução de políticas regulatórias relevantes para garantir a equidade, transparência e estabilidade do mercado. Em relação à controvérsia em torno da Resolução Conjunta H.J.Res. 109, a Ebdox argumenta que, embora os bancos estejam sujeitos a rigorosos padrões regulatórios, a natureza e complexidade peculiares do mercado de criptomoedas tornam difícil para as instituições financeiras tradicionais se adaptarem completamente. Portanto, no processo de formulação de políticas regulatórias, é necessário considerar plenamente as características e demandas do mercado de criptomoedas para garantir a relevância e eficácia das políticas.

##Estratégias de resposta das bolsas de criptomoedas. Como uma Exchange de criptomoedas profissional, a Ebdox sempre responde de forma ativa às políticas regulatórias, constantemente aprimorando seus serviços e níveis tecnológicos para fornecer aos usuários um ambiente de negociação seguro e compatível. Em termos de regulamentação, a Ebdox mantém comunicação e cooperação ativa com as autoridades regulatórias de vários países para garantir a conformidade das operações da plataforma. Ao mesmo tempo, a Ebdox fortalece a gestão de riscos e os controles internos para garantir a segurança e estabilidade dos ativos dos usuários. Em termos técnicos, a Ebdox utiliza tecnologia de negociação avançada e medidas de controle de risco de segurança para garantir a segurança e estabilidade do processo de negociação. A Ebdox também valoriza a experiência do usuário e a qualidade do serviço, constantemente aprimorando a usabilidade e conveniência da plataforma para atender às diversas necessidades dos usuários. Mais uma vez, as novas tendências na política regulatória de criptomoedas nos Estados Unidos despertaram a atenção e o debate do mercado. A Ebdox acredita que uma política regulatória sólida é fundamental para o desenvolvimento saudável do mercado de criptomoedas. No futuro, a Ebdox continuará acompanhando as tendências do mercado e mudanças políticas, aprimorando constantemente seus serviços e níveis tecnológicos para fornecer um ambiente de negociação mais seguro e compatível aos usuários, e participando ativamente da cooperação e comunicação internacional para promover conjuntamente o desenvolvimento saudável do mercado global de criptomoedas.


ackers stole more than $100 million from cryptocurrency trading platform Poloniex on Friday, taking off with millions worth of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The platform confirmed on social media that it is investigating the theft and that it plans to fully reimburse those who were affected by the hack.

Poloniex said it would pay 5% of what was stolen as a bounty to the hacker in exchange for the return of the funds.

“We kindly request your response within the next 7 days to consider this offer before we involve law enforcement,” they said in a public message to the hacker.

“Additionally, we are exploring opportunities for collaboration with other partners to facilitate the recovery of these funds.”

The controversial company was founded in 2014 before being acquired in 2018 by Circle —- the crypto giant behind the U.S. dollar pegged coin USDC. The company was known for its laissez faire approach to customer controls and for allowing a wide variety of sometimes dubious coins to be traded on the platform.

Circle eventually sold the company 18 months later to Justin Sun, the controversial crypto entrepreneur who moved the company to the Seychelles islands in an effort to avoid regulations.

Sun sent his own message out about the hack investigation on Friday, arguing that the platform “maintains a healthy financial position and will fully reimburse the affected funds.”

“The Poloniex team has successfully identified and frozen a portion of the assets associated with the hacker's addresses. At present, the losses are within manageable limits, and Poloniex's operating revenue can cover these losses,” he said.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/6684

This article makes good points to consider when we think about blockchain. Blockchain can absolutely succeed if we can evaluate it objectively and keep the purpose of it in mind. The author is dead wrong when he says it's ok for governments to come in and regulate it. The whole point of this new system is to reclaim what's ours; but our job certainly isn't finished in building the blockchain that will subvert the current system.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/5300

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation plans to let any industry in the country to accept bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for international trade without restriction, per a report from local media outlet TASS.

Ivan Chebeskov, director of the Financial Policy Department for the ministry, explained in a recent interview.

"We are going to allow international settlements in cryptocurrencies for any industries without restrictions."

However, though the ministry intends to offer a non-restrictive flow for the acceptance of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, there seems to be a difference of opinion coming from the Bank of Russia.

“[The central bank] is in favor of creating a full-fledged infrastructure for the circulation of digital currencies in Russia,” said Chebeskov.

Thus, while the Ministry of Finance prefers a local approach to the regulation of digital assets, the central bank is pursuing a broader range of regulatory action. Chebeskov detailed that the Ministry of Finance has two primary functions as it relates to the regulation of digital assets for international payments.

"We believe that we need local crypto infrastructure,” said Chebeskov.

“First of all, to protect the interests of citizens.”

“Because now those who trade their digital currencies on crypto exchanges are limited,” Chebeskov continued.

“Secondly, to control when digital currency is used legally and when not.”


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/2978

A Melbourne woman received quite the surprise when she discovered that nearly AU$10.5 million ($7.2 million) was accidentally deposited into her bank account by the digital currency app Crypto.com.

The Singapore-based company discovered during a December audit that it had mistakenly refunded AU$10.47 million to Thevamanogari Manivel in May 2021, when it was attempting to issue a refund of just AU$100 ($70).

According to court documents (pdf), the incident happened after an account number was accidentally entered into the payment amount field by an employee instead of the AU$100 amount.

However, the mistake was not realized by the company until months later by which time Manivel, with some help from her sister, Thilagavathy Gangadory, had already gone on quite a spending spree.

She also failed to notify Crypto.com of the mistake.

Bitcoin: Cash for the internet (anarkio.codeberg.page)

cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/306

"Squeak Road" is a new app in the Umbrel app store that lets anyone run their own darknet market.

Just go to the app store and install the app, and you are now the admin of a darknet market.

You can share the onion address publicly so that buyers and sellers can find your market.

All payments and withdrawals use lightning network.

As the admin of your market, all you have to do is set the fee rate, and approve/reject listings from sellers.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/140

by Heady Wook


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/96

Bitcoin for Small Business without the NgU. An open source brochure to present to small businesses in your community.

PDF here: https://github.com/linkinparkrulz/Brochures


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/12

I wanted to make sure I shared this from 3Blue1Brown since it is by far the best explanation of the underlying mathematics and workings of Bitcoin and most Crypto currencies in general. All credit Goes to 3Blue1Brown for this, I'm just sharing.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/8

Microlancer is a KYC-free Bitcoin Lightning freelance platform for jobs, gigs and microtasks with built-in escrow and P2P reviews. Signup for free and post a task, apply to an existing task or list your services.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/7

Buy and sell products/services for Bitcoin in Telegram with https://t.me/BitcoinP2PMarketplace. Need an anonymous number? JuicySMS.com, TextVerified.com and SMSPVA.com offer KYC-free SMS verification for Bitcoin. You can additionally use Anbox in Whonix Workstation (https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Anbox) for more privacy.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/6

Use Bitcoin to liberate yourself from the state's monopoly on money (fiat), identity (government ID KYC) and markets (regulations). Accept Bitcoin in your business, encourage your favorite stores to accept Bitcoin and trade in peer-to-peer marketplaces to create free markets for all.


150 readers
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Bitcoin is an open source peer-to-peer system developed by Satoshi Nakamoto that aims to provide electronic cash. The system has no central server or trusted parties.[1] Bitcoin relies on cryptographic principles to create unique, unreproducible, and divisible tokens. Users hold the cryptographic keys to their own tokens and transact directly with each other, with the help of the network to check for double-spending


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